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  1. S

    Curing - Cvault and Boveda packet review journal

    I'm in WA as well and today the humidity outside is 89%!! I am on day three of drying and the humidity was 78 where my pot is drying. I've gotten it down some but was thinking of other ways to reduce it. I bought some Boveda packs but most people it seems use them to rehydrate but not bring down...
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    Leaves browning on the top - help

    I think it was too close to the lights. I didn't think it was that hot but it has been hot the past few days and this was the tallest plant closest to the light. I harvested just this one and it was 68g. I'll post photos tomorrow
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    Leaves browning on the top - help

    If I harvest the plant does that mean the quality is crap on that section? How does the top die? I have four kids and a pregnant wife laundry is always getting done in this house.
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    Leaves browning on the top - help

    More photos - using two different light functions on my phone. The greener one is closer to what it looks like. I've decided I'm going to chop them tomorrow night. I moved this plant to a room where it will be dark. Still concerned about it. Doesn't seem healthy.
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    Leaves browning on the top - help

    I started four (well six but two were boys) plants at the same time from seed. Three seem like they are still growing probably not ready for a week or two but this one has yellow leaves all over and the leaves on top are browning. I'm afraid it is done or something is wrong? but I am unsure. I...
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    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    Not sure why the photos didn't post. I'm really concerned about the one with the brown top. I know the yellow leaves are normal Out of the four it's the only one that doesn't have new white pistols coming out. Is it ready to chop, chop???
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    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    Week 9 of flower. Jock Horror is supposed to be between 9-11 weeks so I think I am on track for the latter. It's tough having patience at this point. My tall plant is yellowing all over which I understand is common but the top the leaves are turning brown. Is this okay? Lot's of photos. These...
  8. S

    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    I ended up with four females. For the light issue I am going to do the entire grow in MH. I bought a replacement bulb for the HPS but I don't feel like changing it up this time. I managed to get a few clones and as an experiment I'll use the HPS on the clones to see what is the difference. I...
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    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    I can't post photos right now but I believe I have two males and four females. Not to shabby. I ran into an issue with my hps lights. For some reason they are inconsistent and do not always fire. I'm not sure if it is the ballast or bad lights. What I don't understand is the MH bulbs work...
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    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    Anyone tell what the sex is on any of them?
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    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    Update: day 52 from germination. Flipping to 12/12 tomorrow. #1 #2 #4 #3 #6 All Getting ready to clone for the 2nd time. First time failed.
  12. S

    No biggie. I researched and am muddling my way through it. I wish I had people I could trust to...

    No biggie. I researched and am muddling my way through it. I wish I had people I could trust to enjoy my adventure but such is the rogue life
  13. S

    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    Sorry for any grammar or other issues I am posting from my phone. I'll keep this updated as I don't want to keep photos on my phone so I have not been taking photos. I should mention I started them all with fox farms organic soil with 3 in 1 gallon pots age 3 in 3g pots. The larger potted ones...
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    Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid

    I am on day 43 of my first grow. Using Jock Horror from nirvana, non femanized seeds. I had the lights on 24, switched them to 20/4 when I was having heating issues. Then last sati flipped them back to 24 as I fixed the heating and just took clones but hadn't set the space up to handle light...
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    New Seeking advice - PNW Garage Grow - venting

    Doing research and I am likely going with the secret jardin 4x4x7 grow tent. amazon has them for about 200 . still looking though
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    New Seeking advice - PNW Garage Grow - venting

    Thanks! Any ideas on what I should purchase for monitoring humidity, temp, etc? I would like something that has the ability to record and feed back on daily high/low. How big if a tent and any recommendations? I plan on having some in flowing, veg, clones but I am doing this in compliance...
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    New Seeking advice - PNW Garage Grow - venting

    Hi All, I am researching before diving into my first grow. The only things I have purchased so far are the light (below) and the seeds - Jock Horror from Nirvana. I have a room I think is ideal for growing. The prior owner of our house converted a portion of the garage into a room that has a...
  18. S

    I noticed you lived in the PNW and thought you might be able to help me. I am setting up my...

    I noticed you lived in the PNW and thought you might be able to help me. I am setting up my first grow and deciding on what type of lights to use. I'm really unsure at this point! I have the perfect area in the garage as the previous owner enclosed a portion of the garage and the room (11' x 8'...