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  1. B

    Trippin' Balls

    I haven't tried jimi on acid, must try that next time! Ya i love that bridge so much! It's like a tripping playground. And ya, that comment about the dream at first was just like "Whaaaa?!", but then i started thinking about it and its just so amazingly deep and I've gone back once or twice just...
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    Any ideas?

    Heres hows she's looking now. Getting quite big (16 1/2 in tall) and nice and healthy looking, apart from some old damage and a bit of a shading problem towards the bottom.
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    Trippin' Balls

    Also, if you like reading this kind of thing i have decided to post any future trips here too, so watch out if you want to read them. I dont really mind either way
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    Trippin' Balls

    So this is the follow up to LSD advice.... Me and my friends dropped half a tab, then half an hour later we dropped the other half. Started watching stupid videos on youtube for ages. Everything was fucking hilarious. After about two hours in the house, we went on a walk into the local college...
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    LSD Advice

    Feeling really happy now. Definately tripping. Got this wierd sensation that everywhere just outside my vision is halucinating, or something that makes sence
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    LSD Advice

    Just posting so i know how long it was since i took it
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    LSD Advice

    He got the acid from Eindhoven. I intended to take more then a half, but he had some last night (and hes done it lots of times) and said it is insanely strong and to definatly not take more then one, which is why i dropped the dosage back to a half with more later if i think im good for it
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    LSD Advice

    Just dropped 1/2 a tab. have the other half ready if its not too strong. Downloaded pink floyd echos and got the hitchhikers guide and family guy blue harvest. Got some trippy blue christmas lights and nice posters. Have two other tripping friends along for the ride and our sober person will be...
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    LSD Advice

    Ok so the guy says that its insanely strong so I think I'm sticking with a half and maybe take the other half later on depending on the strength. If it helps figure the strength, its a mouth, like the rolling stones thing
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    LSD Advice

    The pills i intended to take were E for clarification. And I have arranged for 2 or three friends to come and drop with me, and we have the sober person sorted too. Thanks for all your advice. I'll prob post up a post trip story, i found that really fun on my last shrooming.
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    LSD Advice

    Howdy people. Im 20, and am very light (57kilos). I've smoked weed for afew years. Over the past year I've tried shrooms (in varying quantities) 6 to 8 times, done pills 15 to 20 times, between 2 and 8 each time. In the last month or so i decided i was finally ready to try acid. Everything else...
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    Any ideas?

    thanks very much.
  13. B

    Does Boiling Water Change Ph?

    according to the link below, the ph of boiled water will go up due to a loss of bicarbonate ions and H{++} ions. It also says that the ph will go back towards whatever it was originally but not quite make it there, resulting in the water having a permanently slight increase in its ph...
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    Any ideas?

    i got it in the local grow shop. Never really checked the exact content before. Thanks for that, I'll look into some Nitrogen booster
  15. B

    Any ideas?

    Woops... I did leave a day or two between flushing and repotting. That honestly didn't even dawn on me. I'll remember that in future. Thanks. I'll post up pics in a day or two to see how they're going
  16. B

    Any ideas?

    I've flushed the soil with 3 to 4 times more water then the pots volume yesterday. The leaves that were damaged look a little worse (browning and curling at the edges) but it isn't spreading through the plant. Don't have a camera today so hopefully i can give a picture update tomorrow. If anyone...
  17. B

    Any ideas?

    the n-p-k rating is 3 1 6 Heres the breakdown of nutrients acccording to the bottle if it helps: Total nitrogen: 3.93% nitrate nitrogen:.03% ammoniacal nitrogen: .9% organic nitrogen: 3% Available phosphate (P2O5): 1.95% Sulphates (SO4): 5% Soluble potassium (K2O): 6% Magnesium(Mg): 1.5%...
  18. B

    Any ideas?

    its been repotted from the pot it was in (6inch pot) to an 8inch pot. This has almost triple the volume(roughly?) Will this be big enough?
  19. B

    Any ideas?

    i add 2ml bio sevia grow to every 1L of feeding water as it says. They get feed usually once a week and watered two more times each week as well. Unless they are drying out faster.
  20. B

    Any ideas?

    so more then likely the ph then?