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  1. C

    What is the earliest you can harvest?

    Hi. I don't mean "when should I harvest" etc (I have read the FAQs), but rather, what is the earliest one could remove just one bud and consume it? Ie would there be any buzz from a four week old bud? Five weeks? etc... (Obviously not as much as if it had properly matured...) Cheers
  2. C


    Is that 14 hrs 2 min of daylight as in 9 hours 58 mins of COMPLETE dark, or 9 hrs 58 mins of twilight and night? If that's 10 hours of complete dark, that won't be until around Sept in UK - that would mean harvesting in December??!
  3. C

    So, how do you know a plant is flowering?!

    Thanks. Any idea of how long to go from two hairs to flowering? Or do I just wait for autumn to roll on...?
  4. C

    So, how do you know a plant is flowering?!

    So THAT'S what it was.... Plant is outdoors, and has these pre-flowers all the way up the plant. I was wondering if this is flowering, or do there need to be more flowers before it's actually flowering? How long between pre-flowers and flowering? I haven't had to help the plants along yet...
  5. C

    So, how do you know a plant is flowering?!

    OK, so pre-flowers are the small things that develop at the nodes on the plant - two white 'filaments' for a female. At what stage does a plant go from pre-flowering to flowering? What is it that defines flowering rather than pre-flowering? The white hairs are about 1-2 cms long, and...
  6. C

    blueberry harvest

    What's the deal with harvesting a 'purple' variety? Is it still to aim for 50% milky?