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  1. S

    First NL Grow

    Yep, will definitely control much tighter. Thanks.
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    First NL Grow

    I think I will experiment a lot with the next attempt so I can learn as much as possible as fast as possible, and then really have it down for the following attempt after that.
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    First NL Grow

    I will have to do that. First I have to get rid of stuff and clean well. I may have been able to get some papayas out before it was too late, so hopefully I can get some clones from them and at least have something to try out by beginning of april, or by 420. :P ;) Either way, I have had...
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    First NL Grow

    Botrytis wiped me out. Inadequate airflow and moisture issues. :( I learned a crap load though so next time!...unless there is a way to get rid of the disease.
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    Newb having trouble figuring out reason for yellowing, cloning

    So I am pretty sure I wiped out everything by not having adequate airflow and slightly too high humidity. I am about to clean and start over, but thought I would ask if anyone has any idea how to completely kill the botrytis to save at least part of it. I only had 2 weeks to go!
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    Newb having trouble figuring out reason for yellowing, cloning

    I'm still working things out, but have them in flowering. Hopefully will be ready in about 5-6 weeks and ready for drying and manicuring. I will post pics eventually. Thanks!
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    First NL Grow

    Thanks man. After the election crap tonight I will get to doing just that. :)
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    First NL Grow

    Will 5 gallon grow bags be large enough to sustain and maximize potential of a 2 - 2.5 feet tall plants currently in vegetative state about to be put into flowering for another ~63 days? Can I cut off the bottom branches that get less light without causing much delay in growth? Also, can I...
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    Hempy Bucket Mix

    When I had that problem, I figured I either had the lights too close or the temperature too high. Fixing those two caused them to correct themselves over time.
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    white widow, Mazar x Afghan grow with t5 and hps questions

    I wouldn't use a 600W in a 4x4 space even. Too little space. 5x5 would be good for that. 2 1000W setups...that would be like an entire 12x12 room or so. Do you have the space?
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    Hindu Kush 430w Hps SonAgro/T5 Soil Closet Grow

    Just follow the foxfarm schedule that you can find online. The ff nutes are designed to go together, but whether or not they are organic is not relevant to whether or not they will go together. Don't overdo it! :)
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    light rail

    The theory is really quite solid on this. Greater area of coverage, more evenly dispersed light so more consistent yield across the greater number of plants. I will be setting up a light rail this weekend though so I'll find out soon enough!
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    First NL Grow

    Ah, I see. It seems to come down to that quite often. I have experienced the molding of having too high humidity. That set back the plants a bit I would say. Glad to hear the papayas turned out good. :) Things are coming along quite nicely. I am finalizing my flowering setup tomorrow so...
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    First NL Grow

    Yeah. I have the watering and nutrients down. I had my window open for quite a while though to keep the temperature down, but it dropped fast the past couple of weeks and is now at just under 75C in the room so I am trying to get it up quickly now to speed up growth. Humidity is good though...
  15. S

    First NL Grow

    I reduced the lighting by 2 hours a couple of nights ago, and one hour last night. I am now down to 21/3. I also took some cuttings last night. Beautiful looking all of them. 100% success rate really does seem guaranteed if directions are followed. I use a weak liquid karma solution in a...
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    First NL Grow

    Interesting. I will have to give that a try. Thank you! I have had the plants on 24/7 light. Am I able to reduce to 18/6 gradually (cutting an hour every day, or two every other day?) over a week without causing them to flower? I would like to do this to save money and for security. Thanks...
  17. S

    First NL Grow

    Hello. A few have read my other post, but I decided I should probably post in this section. Pictures to follow at a later time this week. Current plants are Northern Lights. History: I had selected 2 mothers, grew a male out to term to collect pollen for a bit seed production. The pollen...
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    $toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow

    That looks amazing! Nice job! Keep it up!
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    Newb having trouble figuring out reason for yellowing, cloning

    Sorry, I have been lazy. I will update when I get things completed laid out.
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    Newb having trouble figuring out reason for yellowing, cloning

    Ended up not getting to it yesterday. Will finish up tomorrow.