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  1. skinnypuppy

    Supercropping younger seedlings? (.5 month - 1 month)

    if you dont, your missig out. they will fall over for a day or two.....then perk up better than before. in the immortal word of bob ross-you had a happy little accident. ha. apple farmers do it from the beginning too.
  2. skinnypuppy

    Growing weed sideways

    yeah man. before hid's we would let gravity/plant do the work. cover and lay your pot on its side and it will still grow upwards. we would do this to sandwich the plant between flouro's.haha. clipping the branches that grew directly towards the light. so much work for so little smoke. i may have...
  3. skinnypuppy

    How big for first grow?

    hi there muni. some may argue this but i say 1-3k lumens per square ft. i would use clones for sure. as far as the number of plants start small and try to fill your space by training your plants. you will have heat even with cfl's so you may want to incorporate intake/exhaust holes. lumens fade...
  4. skinnypuppy

    sprouting with chocaline?``

    good luck and be safe.
  5. skinnypuppy

    how does it look? and some nwbie growing questions

    well, basically its simple. just pinch off the top forming set of leaves above the last internode and below the leaves. actually the leaves dont even have to be formed yet. its easier if they are because you wont pinch off the branch point at the internode. the two branches will form as normal...
  6. skinnypuppy

    to the old school stoners out there....

    no offense mmj1982. but ive seen it first hand. the water is thrown away by the drugs producers. the villagers would work or trade space to the producers for money and the water. basically it was free. anyone on this site from thailand with modern knowledge?
  7. skinnypuppy

    Day 60 of flowering - harvest? (pics)

    my english may be incorrect. i mentioned 'paranoid' because in the first pic it looked pure sativa. seeing the whole plant i realise i am wrong. a little "lobster clawing" made the leaves look thinner. from the shape of your plant i can tell you wont get paranoid even if harvested early. pretty...
  8. skinnypuppy

    sprouting with chocaline?``

    are you talking about colchicine? if so, be very careful. it may speed growth or make a polyploid plant but its deadly. it causes cancer. switch to hydro for accelerated growth. if your talking about something else, i dont now. i wouldnt touch that stuff until you hear from someone who knows...
  9. skinnypuppy

    to the old school stoners out there....

    i saw nevilles haze mentioned i think.haha. i was going to say that instead of chocolope since its a blend and only takes you back to the 80's. its all good. :joint:
  10. skinnypuppy

    how does it look? and some nwbie growing questions

    well it depends. are you topping for stealth? im a hands on ol fart so i like to just pinch the meristem and let it bush out.
  11. skinnypuppy

    Day 60 of flowering - harvest? (pics)

    i think theres more of a preferance point than a perfect point in time to harvest. ive seen people get really paranoid when smoking a just cloudy harvested sat dom. i would quick-dry a little nug and check for buzz. i know itll taste harsh and green, but the buzz will be there. hope i helped bro.
  12. skinnypuppy

    just cut

    yeah, shes a beauty. i wish you luck getting through the cure.haha.
  13. skinnypuppy

    Day 60 of flowering - harvest? (pics)

    if you like the super soaring buzz-dark time now. if you tend to get paranoid/nervous stomach wait a week or so. did you sample it yet? great first grow man. particularly with those ferts. maybe a good flush and 5 more days.
  14. skinnypuppy

    just cut

    what strain is it bonghits? im new here and cant seem to get the pics big enough for any detail. what do ya think...maybe a quarter dry?
  15. skinnypuppy

    What is the best method of hydros?

    3rd page and no mention of the hempy bucket. jeez, c'mon. i know its passive hydro but its awesome and easy. where the hempy people at? :blsmoke:
  16. skinnypuppy

    to the old school stoners out there....

    hi everybody. new to the site but not to the weed.haha. ive seen thai stick many times and i thought it was soaked in opium water(by-product of herion manufacturing) not hash oil. maybe they do it diff now, but that is what made it so killer back in my day. one thing people overlook is that...