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  1. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    the two smaller ones looking alot perkier today thank god! into week 3 now into pots tomoro, and wen there ready ill shed a tear like a kid going to school on the first day lol! but there clones will live on i supose :D thanks for all your help
  2. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    yeah cheers man! he has full set up 3 sucsesful grows behind him! we do ramble on wen wer stoned and forget what we wer talking about!!!!!!
  3. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    yeah they where germinated today 3 weeks ago, im transfering them to pots on tuesday, i have a bottle of "plant magic+ soil grow", there planted in jiffy pads, sitting in a propagator box (now with lid off) on a heat mat and under a 90w blue ufo LED on 18 hour cycle water ph'd, climatised! &...
  4. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    im strict with ph ill not water them as much tonight and see thanks
  5. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    no havent fed them anything just water and light! im not familiar with any of this and google isnt helpful and neithers me friend never gets straight to the point and then we end up on a totaly different topic lol as ya do!
  6. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hi im new here and new to growing, its my first grow, im pairing up with a friend who has 3 sucsesful grows already behind him, im "veging" 7 chemdogs at the minute heading into there third week today, and my friend is going to flower them, he doesnt live exactly next door infact not even the...
  7. R

    new without a clue :/

    hi im new here and new to growing, its my first grow, im pairing up with a friend who has 3 sucsesful grows already behind him, im "veging" 7 chemdogs at the minute heading into there third week today, and my friend is going to flower them, he doesnt live exactly next door infact not even the...