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  1. S

    My outdoor.

    Hello guys i have this plants and their bout 29-30 days old. Gave em water 3 days ago and prolly gonna give em water or fertilizers today. They are all autoflowering plants and this is an outdoor grow. Here some pics: First two pics are one plant and the other 3 are from another plant. Those...
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    My autoflowering plants

    Phs are fine at 6.5 soil and water idk but i guess its fine... i fed both plants with BactoHemp once, and then Grow Explosion for veg just once till now... About the dead one, no nutrients to her yet...
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    My autoflowering plants

    Guys I planted 3 plants outdoor... this two are like 19 days old or so... im new to this so i wonder if they're doing rly ok? they are skunk mass and northern light both autoflower. gave them nutrients yesterday morning. Now this one has germinated but it is like this now... Whats...
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    My doubt

    Alright thank you guys for the help
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    My doubt

    Hello guys im running a 3 plants grow their like almost 2 weeks old or and they are all Autoflowering seeds. Its an outdoor grow and everything is looking fine untill i saw this ... The plant is like growing to the right idk how to say it... its not growing straight up... Friend of mine said...
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    Whats wrong with this?

    watered each with almost 200ml each... is that ok?
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    Whats wrong with this?

    I have got another question... i watered them when i put em to germinate... havent water since then which has been few days ago... like 4 or so. Whats happening is that with my moisture termomemter it says its wet in the final of the soil and its close to dry on the begin... I don't feel it...
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    Whats wrong with this?

    Thank you appreciate the help. I done what u said but the plant is still looking dead... its all down shudnt it like straight? it is like making a "u" goes straight then goes down... looks rly dead lol
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    Whats wrong with this?

    ye im new i have 3 plants the other 2 are doing well i guess they're very pretty atm xD
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    Whats wrong with this?

    done that... not sure if i didnt kill it i'll wait and see what happens. The shell was covering a green part in cirle shape... will it grow now?
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    Whats wrong with this?

    it still has the shell on it... it has been like that for about 2 days... shudn't it have grown by now?
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    Whats wrong with this?

    Guys I planted this outside and it has sprouted but wont get past that... its been like that for like 2 days and it is looking dead... whats wrong with this? is there any chance this will grow? It has got a bit of red on its roots idk what that is...? Its an autoflowering Chocolate Skunk and its...
  13. S

    My plants look dieing

    Hey guys i planted 3 plants and 2 already germinated, i let them in a dark place for 3 days and yesterday i looked at it and nothjing was there, now today they have sprouted... the plants look kinda dieing i wonder whats wrong? here are some pics... Now i put them outside, on the sun... they...
  14. S

    Seeds germinating + rain :(

    Today it rain here and ive had this seeds under soil outside for 2 days waiting for them to germinate and reach the top... It rain like kind of a good amount of water, and when i got home, the soil is like wet rly wet. I honestly think the soil is fine for seeds germinating, but with the...
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    My plant died suddently :(

    Its an outdoor... and my weather is fine very good sun kinda windy i live in Portugal the weather is cool for this i guess...
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    My plant died suddently :(

    Sorry i dont have no pics can't take them as i already took the plant out... But what kinda problems can wind give to a plant? And can i use this 13 days old soil to plant new seeds again?
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    My plant died suddently :(

    Hello folks, today i got home and i got kinda "sad". Looks like my plant died. It was like all down only being hold by a little bit of root... i don't think it was overwatering or underwatering... the plant was still green and even after i took it out its still good looking. I think it was the...
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    My little plant

    Im using All - Mix soil , and i been reading and saw some times that to wtaer u shud give like 200ml every 2-3 days? Thanks for the answer so far
  19. S

    My little plant

    Hello guys I started auto strains 8 days ago and this one sprouted 2 or 3 days ago... It seems small idk if this is right or not, its my first grow i'm going to post here some pics so you can help me please? Gave BactoHemp to her yesterday...its only once in a plant life. It is a auto Northern...
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    Hello guys, I started 7 days ago and my plant has came out of soil 2 days ago... its doing good and i applied BactoHemp on her today. Heard it is good and gives results so i decided to use it. It gives bacteries to ur plants roots and those bacteries eat everything in the soil, which then goes...