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  1. GreenLungs27

    150 Watt Stealth 3 Strain Grow

    Sorry I've been super busy lately and haven't had much time to make any updates. I gave the white russian to a buddy so he could finish it off. I wasn't really liking those genetics anyway. But the Purple Kush and the Widdow are looking great. Here's a pic of each of them. Purple kush is the 1st...
  2. GreenLungs27

    Max yield! +rep for help

    So we ended going up with 2 600hps for the flower room and 1 600mh for veg. We got a 650cfm blower for the flower and a 400cfm blower for veg. Dual 1000 would definitely been the way to go but my friend was low on cash. We plan on doing a perpetual. With plants in groups of 2 being started every...
  3. GreenLungs27

    Max yield! +rep for help

    Me and my buddy are almost done with the construction of our new veg and flower rooms. We will have 6 in veg and 6 in flower so we stay legal. The flower room will be 9' by 9'. What do you guys think would be better for overall yield, dual 600watt or a 1000watt on a light mover? I know there are...
  4. GreenLungs27

    150 Watt Stealth 3 Strain Grow

    The Top bud on the Purple Kush is starting to fill in really nice:-P
  5. GreenLungs27

    which light to use ?? please help

    Dang I would maybe just get the 250 mh then. That when when you move them into the flowering chamber it will be a big jump in wattage.
  6. GreenLungs27

    which light to use ?? please help

    hahah damn a min before I posted. I like the way you think haha
  7. GreenLungs27

    which light to use ?? please help

    You should get a 400watt mh conversion bulb and then get a 600watt hps for flowering :)
  8. GreenLungs27

    150 Watt Stealth 3 Strain Grow

    So everything is looking real good. Widdow and purple kush are both females and I'm pretty sure the Russian is too but I'll know for sure in a couple of days. Flowering has definitely kicked in strong in the purple kush. I plan on starting fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom this week. Widdow is...
  9. GreenLungs27

    150 Watt Stealth 3 Strain Grow

    Thanks man. 150 is definitely great for personal grows. I was very excited to see that the purple kush is female :) I'm also 80% sure the white widdow is female too! Still waiting on the white russian to sex. In the past that strain has taken longer to sex for me than others so I'll keep waiting...
  10. GreenLungs27

    90 W LED Secret Jardin Darkroom

    Man I was really impressed at the growth from the LED. Get some pics up cause the progress is outstanding.
  11. GreenLungs27

    bring ACID back

    Acid does seem to find you. I feel all hallucinogens are like that. They find you when you are not expecting it. At least that's how it used to be. I think it has come back a lot in MI. There was a steady supply all summer, still have a couple tabs saved for that right day in the winter :) Good...
  12. GreenLungs27

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hahaha man I completely agree with you. Growing is even better than smoking. I've found when I have a grow going I tend to smoke less bud. haha it's almost like I get high just tending to my babies. peace.
  13. GreenLungs27

    90 W LED Secret Jardin Darkroom

    Lookin good finally gettin the tent up and runnin. I'll be bringing that purple kush over today. I'm excited to see the difference of the purple kush with the led vs. the hps. Although we might not be able to cause I'm pretty sure mine is male haha fuck! Subbed!
  14. GreenLungs27

    Michigan Outdoor Harvest 09

    haha yeah way old thread. It ended up 15 ozes dry. Lasted me all snowboard season and then some :)
  15. GreenLungs27

    150 Watt Stealth 3 Strain Grow

    Just a quick update on day 18. They have finally gotten over the transplant and have been exploding with growth. This is my first time trying amazon bloom and I am very impressed with the soil. The slight yellowing on the lower leaves was from that shit ass miracle grow organic. All the new...
  16. GreenLungs27

    BOOM you've been Assassinated! Short Stuff Auto Assassin 150HPS/CFL's

    aww man hermis no good. I've heard that happens a lot with fems so I stay away from them. And I like keeping some pollen from the males so I can make some more seed and save money. I'll cross my fingers for that hermi too haha. peace man. oh and loving the final nug shots. enjoy that smoke haha
  17. GreenLungs27

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    For sure man gotta keep them short and 150s will give you great results. I highly suggest you get one. I used to do the cfl thing too and it made life much easier. with the 150. If you mod it with a cool tube its very easy to control the heat, and adds a lot of density to the nugs. Especially if...
  18. GreenLungs27


    I really hope this passes. It needs to happen and the rest of the country will follow. Who cares if corporate industries get involved in production. I know I'll still be smoking my homegrown not the commercial shit. I just think it needs to happen because Marijuana is the greatest thing on earth...
  19. GreenLungs27

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    What are the temps in your box? With 150watters I try to never let the plant get very tall because they don't penetrate very deeply and the lower buds don't fill out. Hope you end up with some nice nugget!
  20. GreenLungs27

    BOOM you've been Assassinated! Short Stuff Auto Assassin 150HPS/CFL's

    Great grow man. I love seeing bud like that coming from 150watters. Can't wait to see the Red Dragon! + Rep