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  1. M

    Passing Home DT

    Well, it worked. It made THC show up as negative, but gave positives for cocaine, barbiturates, and opiates...Or something like that.
  2. M

    Passing Home DT

    I am currently living under their roof. I have to take a test if they tell me I have to. Forget about me though...I'm worried about my friend. So, back to the question at hand. Will bleach work or not?
  3. M

    Passing Home DT

    Alright. Me and a friend are getting a drug test from his parents. It is nothing more than a simple home drug test with a dipstick or whatever. I have been reading that if bleach is added to the urine, it will remove all the THC. I've also read that this ONLY works for home drug tests that...
  4. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    I'm hoping I can do this indoor grow. Because after they veg and it gets to be about mid august I will plant them outside (since the time changes to 12/12 within the next month) so they can flower. Doesn't seem like a bad idea IMO. I'm not looking for a huge yield, just a little something...
  5. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Do you mean like veg the entire time outside or veg indoors and out?
  6. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Sooo...yea...I'm abandoning this grow. I'm going to do an indoor/outdoor grow. I'm currently in the process of building a grow box from a cabinet I have in my room. It's about 2'x2' so these plants won't be able to grow THAT big. I'm only going to veg them for about a month and a half or...
  7. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    The spot still has TONS of vegetation growing out of it. But yea..I wiould like to move it closer to my house. That way if I need to I can just walk to the spot and check on my babies. But I bet after last night there wont be anything left.
  8. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    BTW, here is what the rock looked like when I tried digging the holes: It was more brown though and broke apart really easily...I mean, there were plants all around growing out of it...Maybe I could just try digging the holes and planting them there anyways? I mean I'm sure it's full of...
  9. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Is it possible that if the authorities found my grow they could take fingerprints? Cause I believe I'm already on file.
  10. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Like I said, the ground was almost solid rock. I dug up some small places to even the ground out so the cups could set evenly, then pushed a little dirt up around the cups. But it was storming bad last night. Like 60mph wind gusts.
  11. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    I'l try not to give up. I'l try to find some pots somewhere and get the plants in them here in 2 weeks or so. If not, I'l find somewhere else to grow them. I am kinda worried about getting caught though. That was really scary what happened today. Plus, when the leaves fall off the trees I'd...
  12. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    IDK about taking some pots down there. It was already sketch enough when a bunch of boats kept going by...And then one boat went by and slowed down, turned around and came back, then turned and kept on going. I got freaked Oh and I cut little slits around the bottoms of the cup for...
  13. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Well, I don't think this grow is going to happen. I went to the spot today with a bag of Schultz Cactus soil (only thing I could find around the house), 13 seeds, and 13 styrofoam cups. I planted 9 sprouts in the cups with the soil and when I walked over to the spot to dig a few holes to set...
  14. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Ugh...My grow could get underway a little faster if I had a reliable partner. I have no car so I depend on him to drive me to and from the spot. He always wakes up really late in the day (Anywhere from 3-6pm) and is always extremely lazy...even after agreeing to help me he always bitches or...
  15. M

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    Quick question for you about my grow. I have tried and failed to get any money for potting soil. Looks like this grow is au naturale. Nothing but sunshine, dirt, and water. Anyways, Instead of planting my germinated seeds directly in the ground, will it be fine if I use some leftover potting...
  16. M

    Stay Stoned & Grow Alone

    That looks almost identical to the grow I am about to start. Does that spot look out over a lake? Check my grow out and let me know what ya think. It's called "Let The Growing Begin!"
  17. M

    375,500 Plants Siezed

    Haha this won't raise prices at all. And actually I found out I live 30 minutes from the bust...lulz
  18. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    I'm having trouble getting my seeds to sprout. They've been inside a paper towel for 2 days and none of them have sprouts yet. It may have been because my room is so cold. I have now moved them to a friends car to keep the bag warm and humid. The last time I germ'd seeds in his car, the...
  19. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Wouldn't the top soil be best since it has all the rotted plant material in it?
  20. M

    Let The Growing Begin!

    Would this be a good idea or no? If I dig the 2'x2' holes, can I mix the potting soil with some of the top layer of dirt to try and conserve potting soil? If so, what would be a good ratio of dirt to soil? I was thinking 1:3