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  1. K

    falling lights!!

    I'm dying to see a picture of how you took care of it.
  2. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    The shed is my only option for growing. You can not see the shed from the street in any direction. The AC will get fresh air from the passive intakes in the utility room, just like the inline fans. I'm hoping that air will be moved through that small room at such a fast rate that the temps...
  3. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    It's an 8x12 metal shed. I planned for the heat that will be generated with the design. The inside will be heavily insulated (after I finish wiring it up for electricity), the heat from the lights will be exhausted through the floor and into the ground. Also, the AC unit should keep tempatures...
  4. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    Awesome, thanks for the insight. How many plants would you suggest as a minimum and maximum for the space I have available?
  5. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    Thank you for your response. I was planning on air cooling the lights and venting them out the floor (and into the ground, actually) because I didn't want people to be able tell that the shed is expelling a lot of heat when it's cold outside. I figured any losses by running hot air through...
  6. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    It's my understanding that in order to make the most of increased CO2 levels you must also increase light output and nutrient input. The logic is that if CO2 helps move things along faster you need more of everything else to fuel the growth. I'm also under the impression that you're only...
  7. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    I was just going to lower the lights manually my first several goes at it. A proper light mover is definitely in order, though. My thought was to vent into the "L" section and then from there expel air through a vent (the ones that spin) from the top of the ceiling. I won't be doing CO2...
  8. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    Thank you for the input, that's the eventual plan. For now I just want to have the one large room. I will be taking the plants from seed to harvest there probably 3-4 times before I get set up for something like that. There are several other things that I should have mentioned. This needs to...
  9. K

    Please take a look at my grow room diagram

    This is an 8x12 shed. All dimensions on the diagram are estimates which include insulation (accurate within one inch) and the drawing is not to scale. Things I'm "sure" of but don't have included on the drawing: I want to vent the 4" inline fan (approximately 200 CFM)that will be pulling...
  10. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    I'm planning on getting the 6" max line fan and a phresh filter for that set up. I'll need to take measurements before I make a decision, though. I want to be able to run the fan at about 50%-75% with the filter and muffler, while still moving enough air. Another thing I plan on doing is...
  11. K

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    Not a problem. I'm still learning myself but that's one of those questions I've seen asked and answered a lot. There's a lot of people who really know their shit here.
  12. K

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    Supposed to pull air through carbon filters.
  13. K

    this new environment monitor might be useful

    Both seem nice. It would appear that you can set the netatmo to warn you when you've exceeded certain temps, humidity levels and so on. I can see that and the long term charts being very nice tools. It could even be an early indication that your fan or AC bit the dust while you're out.
  14. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    I meant onoa or whatever that stuff is I see a lot of you guys using to mask smell. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm weird and my wife is the only person who knows what the hell I'm talking about when I say shit like that. When I get something together I'm going to use sulfur or...
  15. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    I was planning on using the green caulk (can't remember the name at the moment) and from there doing this Foam-->sound dampening board (can't recall the name of this either)---->drywall----->matte white paint Also planned on putting some smelly goods in both rooms and separating the two...
  16. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    Thank you woody. Jericho, should I be worried about smell escaping from those vents? I had thought about using one or two but I'm worried the smell would carry through noticeably. I had planned on insulating the shit out of the entire shed haha.
  17. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    That's what I'm trying to figure out now. Any suggestions for that? edit-there would be a door (obviously) to get into the sectioned off part. I'm worried about odor getting into the other section when i open it and escaping from there into nosey noses.
  18. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    Lets play nice. I would hate for something that has potential to be useful for a lot of people to turn into some middle school shouting match. Still, the information is greatly appreciated. Lets keep that up. Enough of that, though. Jericho, you're absolutely correct. I will not be mounting a...
  19. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    I kept reading the portable units were not as good as window units.
  20. K

    AC Window Unit Question

    It's all good man. I can't talk shit, I was the one asking the question, hah.