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  1. P

    Help me to decide if its ready

    lol, for sure im gonna take care of it
  2. P

    Help me to decide if its ready

    hi, i want ur help to decide if its ready for harvesting? what should i do when its ready? how much light should i give the plants in the last day? because of safety problem I guess ill do 2marrow or today. thanks for everybody for all of the information, it really helped me on my way.
  3. P

    My first time, I think its almost ready

    what do u think?
  4. P

    My first time, I think its almost ready

    i live in the jungles of costa rica, today ill put more pics
  5. P

    My first time, I think its almost ready

    lol, i can buy microscope bc im living in the jungle... but ill try to take a close up 2marrow
  6. P

    My first time, I think its almost ready

    hi, this is my first time growing, i have 3 plant and i gowed them outside with extra light. i think the r not ready yet, they have another week, what r u sayin guys?