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  1. S

    curing my bud!

    what does it mean when ur nuggets dont smell like weed after its ready to smoke? mine has frosty clear thc trichomes and smokes real good with a nice pleasant high, but for some reason the nugs dont smell like weed. cant describe the smell but it doesnt stink either. almost like fresh piney...
  2. S

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    wondering why my nuggets dont smell like weed during and after harvest. nugs r well frosted with clear thc trichomes and the smoke is good. cant really describe the smell but smells kinda good but confusing. almost like a fresh piney smell. someone please help?
  3. S

    Welcome New Members!

    grew some grass, and after curing process, my buds dont smell like weed! my nugs r well frosted with clear thc trichomes and it smokes real good! nice pleasant high, but for some reason the nuggets dont smell like weed. I cant really describe the smell, but it doesnt stink. almost like a fresh...
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    ok, my setup would allow no more than 5' in height but have alot of width room. so im shooting for a strain that would give a 1/4lb at least. can someone help me?
  5. S

    Welcome New Members!

    is a soilless mix a form of hydroponics? im considering fox farm soilless mix for my next grow but unsure whether its for containers or hydro setups and whether to use hydro nutes or water soluble nutes. also, has anyone ever heard of the "hydro spikes" that sort of act like a wick system?
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    Welcome New Members!

    sorry to bother but have question about cloning. my clone is growing deformed leaves that r round instead of serrated edges. what does that mean?
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    Something To Reflect On.

    any one know of a short plant strain that will yield 1/4 lb or more?
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    first grow

    Does anybody know if u can grow cannabis with cfl's all the way through the whole life cycle and still get a good yield using daylight spectrum for veg., and switch to the warm spectrum for flowering?
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    hoping anyone can tell me of a strain that will yield at least a 3/4 lb or more, but not too tall in size? grew my first and didnt yield much for a 32'' in plant.