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  1. V

    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    No I am saying that I use the water from my tap which has a Brita filter attached to it. So I get filtered water. I was saying that the water seem like it was just fine, not the deplorable success rate.
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Couldn't I just use a brita filter and then boil water to basically get it distilled? It seems like you are saying that my water is somehow contaminated. But my Brita filter that I use from my tap works just fine. I have been advised by a rep at Botanicare to use Power Clone and H202 at a rate...
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    I have throughly cleaned the blade when I cut the clone. I have even used a clean razor out of the package. The solutions that I have tried have been numerous. I really don't think it is the kinds of solutions that I have been using. A local hydro shop, who I think is just fed up with me asking...
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    The Turbo klone res is completely cleaned out. I have been running Physan 20 between each attempt at cloning. Really cleans out everything. Also the sprayers are fine as well. I don't use bleach cause if that stuff gets on any part of a plant it will kill it in no time. The problem is not the...
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Ok a little bit of an update. None of my clones are rooting. The stems seem to swell for a bit and then the stems do the exact same thing as before. They all just wilt away and die. I have found that Aquashield does have a positive effect as it helps the clones last a bit longer, but the end...
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Ok so this is still happening in all of my clones. The stem appears to be rotting off and doesn't even get a chance to pop roots. I have read that this could be a fungus that is attacking my clones when they root. How do I stop the fungus from attacking the plant? I have also found a product...
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Sunbiz1 that seems like a solution to a soil garden. I have a Turboklone T48. It is an aeroponic cloner. I have been doing some research tho and it seems like Juciy Roots by Advanced Nutrients is a good choice. It specifically states that it fights pathogens. Anybody used that product?
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Well it is happening to ALL of my clones. Not just the ones I dipped in gel. Cause I dipped some of them in gel and I dipped the other in water.
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    What do you mean a pathogen causes it? Can you be more specific? I have physan 20 if that could be used.
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    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Everytime I try and clone in a DWC I seem to have the same problem and I end up losing all of my clones. I have two DWC cloners. One is an Oxyclone and the other is a Turboklone T48. I have had so success with either. I start by cutting my clones and immediately put them in the cloners. I mist...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I had to dump my tea because it had already gone bad after only 5 days. My res had a really bad gunk buildup and I dumped all the water. The remains had such a bad sewage smell that I almost threw up. It smelled like feces in my hands. It took a long time to properly clean out everything. So yes...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I tried reading through the entire thread but I could not find the reason for straining the tea. I am using ZHO, Aquashield, and Plant Success Granular. I would think that keeping the Plant Success Granular in the batch would help overall. What do you think Heisenberg? Why do you strain the tea...
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    Upside down growing

    No it only holds 80 plants and that is if you use every single one and pack the machine to the limit. I only have about 25 plants in there right now.
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    Upside down growing

    I just bought a Volksgarden about 1.5 months ago and I can say that many of the points that you are all stating are in fact not true. First of all the volksgarden rotates the plants constantly. This moves auxins to the stem faster than simply growing a plant in a pot and it makes it so that the...
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    Volksgarden Rotating Garden Problems

    I recently bought a volksgarden and I seem to be having some problems with the plants actually starting to grow. They seem to be stunted or at least severely stressed and I cannot figure out why. I have two strains in there and I wanted to start off small so I only have about 25 plants in...