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  1. B

    Need advice for alternative food

    Hey guys... I'm having a hard time feeding my girls this year as it has been a very wet summer so far (already lost 5 girls due to water) Every year I use DNF line of food but the the problem with that is it has to be mixed with water and the ground is already saturated with water... It's now...
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    P.H questions

    Hey guys! I checked the P.H level of my water today and it was 7.4 out of the tap and after I added my nutrients it dropped down to 6.8.... I think 6.8 should be good to use right? Does it matter that water P.H is 7.4 when I am giving them straight water? Or should P.H be lowered for normal...
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    Should I use peat moss to dry up ground?

    Would perlite added to my soil be a good idea?
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    Should I use peat moss to dry up ground?

    Hey guys I just dug up one of my plots today getting ready for the spring plant.. The area is quite wet and swampy and I was wondering if I should add some peat moss into it now to help dry it up.... Would this be my best way or will to much be bad? Any comments and advice would be great!
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    Proper use of bone and blood meal?

    Hey guys. I was wondering at what ratio would I add bone and blood meal into my soil mix?
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    Help changing soil mix?

    Hey guys so every year I pretty much use the same soil mix and methods... I'm looking to change thing a little this year and was looking for suggestions... I should add that I am growing outdoors... Every year I use cattle manure, sheep manure, triple mix soil, and CIL worm casting soil. I...
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    Help with PH levels in soil?

    Just a cheap kind from Candian Tire (premier tech) I think is the name with some CIL Pro Mix added in.... I just transplanted 2 from smaller pots into Triple mix and CIL worm castings so I hope they are happier with that.... At the time in January all I could get was cheap no name type soil...
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    Help with PH levels in soil?

    Thanks AZ2000.... I won't be flowering these inside I am just trying to get them good enough to take some clones.... I already took one batch and screwed them up really bad... I have a Clone King aeroponic cloner coming in the mail right now.... Anybody have thoughts or opinions on those? I see...
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    Help with PH levels in soil?

    Ok thanks man... Yes I am using tap water and I let it sit for 24-48 hours before using it... I usually water every couple of days then I only give nutrients on the weekend... I'll try cutting back to maybe 15 A and 15 B and cut the Cal-Mag out altogether... Thanks for the advice it's much...
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    Help with PH levels in soil?

    I should add that those measurements are to the gallon
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    Help with PH levels in soil?

    lol ok thanks but with the water being 6.1 are the nutrients even helping? or you saying if I cut back it should raise my PH a bit? Yes I mean DNF as it seems to be the only one my local store sells... I currently use the reccomended amount of 20 ML of A and B plus 16 ML of DNF Green along with...
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    Help with PH levels in soil?

    Hey guys I am growing in soil and when I test my water with no nutrients it is 6.8 and when I add my Dutch Nutrients and Cal-Mag it drops to 6.1.... I should be a little higher than 6.1 for soil should I not? What would be my best way to correct this? Thanks!!
  13. B

    No nodes on branches?

    Ok I just went and checked and I'm starting to actually see small ones appearing now... Guess I'm just impatient and should wait.....
  14. B

    No nodes on branches?

    Hey guys. I have one plant I'm growing that I was planning on cloning but the branches come right from the main stalk to the tip of the branch with no nodes at all between... My other ones of the same size have a few nodes between on the branches.... Am I going to be able to clone this plant and...