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  1. W


    So, With my taxes this year, I'd like to get a vap. I have read and heard second-hand about how wonderful they are, but when I try to do research online and make a decision, I'm a little confused - there's all these new words..... its kind of an information overload and I have a hard time...
  2. W

    Help me with a "treasure hunt"

    ok, so I need a little help here. I am having a party tomorrow for a friend of mine, who (has confessed that he) has never had a party thrown for him. I had to fix that. He knows that something is up - but not what. WE are gifting him with a piece of glass to replace the one that he...
  3. W

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Background: My 17, year old was home and on the night before her 18th birthday, she said she wanted to get stoned as soon as she turned 18. So, At the stroke of midnight, she has the bowl, hits it, and passes it, with the warning, "You might want to be careful, I think I mighta drooled on...
  4. W

    Your Stoner Lingo

    Back in the day - when I was mis-spending my youth, We used the word 'kite' alot. as in- "That stuff sure had a fast kite" - meaning you sure got high fast. Or "let's kite".....lets go smoke..... Nowadays, I don't hear that anymore - which makes using it among friends rather discreet...
  5. W

    Wisconsin.....River rat.

    7/8 ... the dam's about a mile away. Growing up - we used to fish for LMB all the time...dome some serious skiing too. Fishing good on Monona/Mendota? Or have they been pissed in too often?!?:-P:-P Got friends at UWM.....What a party school:weed::weed::weed:
  6. W

    Muslce Relaxers? and or bud

    One thing to watch out for - it relaxes all your muscles - eyes too....blurred vision is common. Never tried it with anything else. It makes me too tired to enjoy any kind of high.
  7. W

    Wisconsin.....River rat.

    Cool..... Are you a city dweller, or a country bumpkin?!?8-)8-):mrgreen:
  8. W

    Wisconsin.....River rat.

    Been lurking a while. I'm 37, live in a Mississippi river town in Wisconsin, and learning slow. I'd like to grow my own - but live in an apartment complex and worry that odor would be a problem... Anyhow - anyone local out there???