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  1. Zwacho

    Something's still off with my setup - Small Plants

    Earlier on, before we took off a few lights, I was having issues and someone said "Too hot and too much light intensity. What are they under? a blazing 1000w ?" I'm getting discouraged by so much contradictory info. I wish I had a mentor because this is proving to be very difficult. If I...
  2. Zwacho

    Something's still off with my setup - Small Plants

    I have 6 plants currently growing inside under cfl's. I plan to transfer them outdoors but they are growing really slowly. It's been almost a month since they were planted but they're still very small. Should we transfer them outdoors now, or simply move them to pots? Also, some of the leaves...
  3. Zwacho

    What's wrong with my seedlings?

    I have 8 plants growing indoors for a while, then i'm planning to move them outdoors. Here are pictures of 5 of my plants that look bad. The other 3 look fine. Any idea what's wrong with them. I'm thinking I might be over watering or under watering them. They are in a miracle grow garden soil...
  4. Zwacho

    Potting Mix or Garden Soil?

    so you don't have issues using mg organic garden soil with your fresh seedlings?
  5. Zwacho

    Potting Mix or Garden Soil?

    plz someone respond...
  6. Zwacho

    Potting Mix or Garden Soil?

    I am doing a 15-20 plant grow. I am starting indoor for the first 2 weeks or so then transplanting them outside without pots.... because the weather is too extreme for seedlings outside right now. Now I currently was planning on using a soil mix of miracle grow organic, perlite, and lime for...
  7. Zwacho

    Pots or No Pots?

    As far as soil goes, I plan on a simple mix: 3 parts- miracle grow organic garden soil, 1 part- perlite. I understand that their are a variety of other much better soils, but I need one that isn't too pricey and is sold at home depot. I've heard great stuff about kellog patio plus and fox farm...
  8. Zwacho

    Pots or No Pots?

    Also, the ground is very wet. There is a nearby river.... would that be a good or bad thing?
  9. Zwacho

    Pots or No Pots?

    how wud I regulate PH though?
  10. Zwacho

    Pots or No Pots?

    I am doing an outdoor grow of about 20 plants. Unfortunately the soil at the grow spot is serpentine soil, which is high in heavy metals and lacks all key growing nutrients. I plan on using a miracle grow organic and perlite mix for soil, but I am wondering whether I should use pots outdoors, or...
  11. Zwacho

    Sick-Looking Seedlings - Possibly Burnt

    this is my first grow btw, if I come off as uniformed and a noob, thats because I am
  12. Zwacho

    Sick-Looking Seedlings - Possibly Burnt

    Thanks for the feedback. I am going to try to save these, and if it doesn't work out, I can get more seeds for free so it's not a huge problem. A couple more questions.... If I keep the plants around 73 degrees inside near a window is that a better environment for its current state? Also, what...
  13. Zwacho

    Sick-Looking Seedlings - Possibly Burnt

    Yesterday, it reached 96 degrees F and my five 4 day old seedlings were outside in the sun. I accidentally forgot to water them that morning and when I returned home to immediately go water them, they were very dry and had drooped over. Now they look bent. I took them into the partial shade...