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  1. N

    Computer Fan Wiring

    use a pot to control speed of the fan (via voltage limiting) and DONT PLUG THE FUCKER INTO A WALL PLUG wall plugs are AC comp fans are DC.. hit a thrift store for an appliance that runs off a dc powersource.. anything that has a big black box that plugs into the wall instead of just a...
  2. N

    Computer Fan Wiring

    connect all the grounds together and then all the positives together positive + red ground - black so basically turn the one red positive wire into 2 wires one to each fan you can run it the other way but then you start to run more current threw your fans making...
  3. N

    Computer Fan Wiring

    quick question... what was the output of your solar panel.. think of it this way the ones on your calcualtor put out micro amps you would need atleast 100 of them to make the fan spin... let alone push any air.. that and there usually only 1.5 or 3 put it to you this way a 2' (foot) by...
  4. N

    Computer Fan Wiring

    hmm say 54 square feet.. calculate how many cubic feet a min your pc fans push.. figure if u exchange your air 3 times in an hour u should get rid of heat and moisture .... as to hooking up to a sensor... for heat and moisture.. your looking to spend around 100+ around the 250 range for...
  5. N

    Computer Fan Wiring

    ok computer fans and power supplies for dummies... real easy... computer fans can have 2 or 3 wires black = ground red = positive OR 5 volts yellow = positive OR 12 volts the fans with red and yellow are used in multi speed aplications say a fan can spin from 0 - 2000 RPM...