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  1. B

    Aussi Baseball Player killed...

    so you are saying it is ok for blacks to kill white people, and it is not okay for white people to be mad about it? a lot of you people sound like brainwashed children of religious fanatics that gravitate and listen to whoever screams the loudest. Why is there not a Henry David Thoreau day, or a...
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    I do, I am from the Twisted Sister SMF club from Califuckingfornia.
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    heavy yielders??

    BC Bud Pinewarp and HSO Train Wreck are what I've got going right now. The Pinewarp is definitely a heavy yield, have to wait and see about the TW. I plan on growing Sannie's Kolossus next, and if the HSO TW turns out good, maybe some hybrids with the Pinewarp just to see.
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    The 3rd best high I've ever had......

    The best high I ever had was when I rented "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie" , "Dying Young", and "Shakes the Clown" and watched them in that order, stoned and drunk out of my gourd. I never quit laughing, even thru "dying young", with Julia roberts being a nurse to some dude dying from cancer. In...
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    The 3rd best high I've ever had......

    OMG, is there now a "SPONE" bob square pants? If its any funnier than SpongeBob, I'll have to quit watching TV, especially with 5 young kids. FYI, don't watch Sponge Bob stoned out of your mind.
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    how long do you go with out watering outside? inground, cen vally ca

    LOL at 25 gallons per plant every other day. I use 10 gallons for 36 plants every day. sometimes every other day. Nutes once a week. I foliar spray Neem Oil/Piss mixture every other day as well.
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    Mulching:Down With Naked Soil

    the only problem is can see from this is that with a layer of straw or leaves or loose organic matter, you can't see the comings and goings of certain insects, like termites, ants, aphids, root gnats, etc... you would have to stir it around a lot to make sure nothing bad is making a home, which...
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    The 3rd best high I've ever had......

    I got a bottom nug off a G13 Diesel Auto I haven't harvested yet, got it as a freebie from Attitude, dried it for 3 days, no curing at all, and smoked a resinator pipe sized bowl full. It took about 30 minutes to kick in, and I was sitting on the couch watching the Beverly Hillbillies, and I...
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    Unconventional Organics

    the best naturally available additive to an outhouse is ash from a fire. Sawdust, for someone living a subsistence lifestyle, is better used elsewhere. You can mix it with a cheap glue like elmers and have a great caulk or crack sealer or put it between the logs of a log cabin after the logs are...
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    30 5gal bucket w/ ground nutshell and cedar fiber??

    I have a lot of 5 gal buckets with soil, but when I went to fill 50 gal barrels, I realized real quickly I couldn't afford to buy or physically/mentally haul all that soil a 1/2 mile into the woods, so I filled the bottom half of the barrels with the natural leaf/pine needle/dirt topsoil from...
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    Black man kills three women, libturd media won't mention their races for some reason.

    All I have to say is that this country is becoming more and more like Africa every day, with atrocity after atrocity after atrocity by blacks against blacks and blacks against whites. It looks like Charlie Manson's race war will soon come to bloom.
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    how long do you go with out watering outside? inground, cen vally ca

    You can't be serious? (in ref to "25 gallons per plant every other day")
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    Best Nutrients? And organic growing pros/cons?

    the difference for me is that I don't want to smoke pesticide residue. Look at what is actually in Spectracide and Bayer Insecticides and Sevin, etc, and to extend this thinking a bit, do you want to smoke "other ingredients" which comprise 90-99 percent of a lot of plant foods commonly...
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    Juiced some over-ripe fruit and veggies for my plants...

    I had a couple of plants that weren't looking so good, I was about ready to give up on them, but I juiced up some banana peels, brown bananas, mangos, various peppers, garlic, onions, bad strawberries, etc and poured it on them after scraping the sand off the topsoil I had used to smother bugs...
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    One of the best gardeners I have ever known used his own piss extensively, and chicken and dog crap on everything. This guy lived gardening. Look up "Dick Cook, Yukon river, Alaska". He had barrels of piss and sprayed it out of sprinklers all over his garden. He rarely had insect problems or any...
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    Dwarfed plant

    Just my opinion, but I would have been taking it out for fresh air and sunlight during the growth stage whenever possible, then inside under the lights for a 20/4 light period. I don't think there is anything wrong with auto's, I have a Dsl. Auto about ready for harvest, but I can't imagine only...
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    Weed eating deer

    I have deer and wild boar in abundance, and this is just what has worked for me, but I piss all over my site, in fact, I piss in a gallon milk jug at home, pour that into a 20 oz. plastic soda bottle with holes in the top, and spray piss all over the place, plus I collect dog crap and spread...