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  1. D

    My plant has warts?!

    :mrgreen: So really tho there is nothing that could end up being a problem? like not even close? Any other plant problems with these symptoms? Or just call me a big baby and ill shut up :eyesmoke:
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    My plant has warts?!

    :edit: I just transplanted it so the soil hasnt compacted much. :edit: now i have actually used some tweezers to pull one off and it felt like part of the plant, not something growing on it. I only water every 3 or 4 days so i dont see it being wet so much its trying to grow roots. maybe i am...
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    My plant has warts?!

    I have no idea what this is any help would be much appreciated. It started at the bottom and is slowly making its way up. I got some neem oil and just started applying it tonight. any tips on how to go about applying it? I think i am gonna try to keep it off the leaves and only spray the...
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    Forcing Indicas to Turn Purple Indoors during the heat

    agreed. although i have found open box portable ac units for only 200$ shipping included on ebay. Got mine last week and it has made a 20*f differnce bringing temps from +100*f to a cool 85*f. anything from home depot was 350$ or more. I am gonna have to agree tho and say if you run one in...
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    Stoner smoking etiquette

    thats a good one ill use that next time :)
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    Stoner smoking etiquette

    we call it it a microphone if someone has it for a while. they just sitting there and talking into it lol "testes testes 123" lol
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    First Indoor Grow

    update: My 400w HPS came in the mail!!1! woot! I finished up my grow closet... I also transplanted one from the pot into its own separate one. Look pretty good. Just waiting for a portable air conditioner to get here to keep the temps down! At one point it was 95*f! a little adjustment of...
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    Best state to grow in the USA?

    ya its not bad... except the temps get to 120f out side so you sort have to balance the amount of sun it gets to how hot it will be. you basically have to grow in a shady spot otherwise the sun will burn your plants to a crisp...
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    First Indoor Grow

    I started these from seed not to long back im guessing between one and two weeks ago. Grown in a closet with cfls. Waiting for a 400w hps to come in the mail... along with some bug spray as i think i see some bug damage in the second pic. question tho... some of the leaves feel plasticy almost...