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  1. P

    Interstate Transportation, Highway Interdiction HOTSPOTS

    Thanks. I'm probably just being parinoid but seems like I would stick out more after midnight with less cars on road. Trying to take it in two rental trucks. Doesn't seem like there is a good alternate route through CO than I-70, which is freakin me out.
  2. P

    Interstate Transportation, Highway Interdiction HOTSPOTS

    I'm new and sorry if this is asked and answered somewhere - trying to time moving product on I-70 from Utah to St. Louis. Any help is appreciated.
  3. P

    Interstate Transportation, Highway Interdiction HOTSPOTS

    What about getting through Colorado west to east, anybody have any suggestions? Is I-70 in CO bad. Now that I-80 is all screwed up I want to figure out the best way through CO. I need to move quite a bit.