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  1. L

    Google earth | best way to find plots

    check this :
  2. L

    burned the top

    junk it. start over
  3. L

    hash - dry or wet

    so i had someone chop the top buds off my plants this year and had to harvest early. :( i was gonna use the leftovers to make hash. would it be best to let the plant dry out or could i do it when its still green. thanks
  4. L

    harvest eary. have a Q

    thanx for you imput but yea thats not wht i asked... question still in the air
  5. L

    harvest eary. have a Q

    Do to some complication i had to harvest early. Keep in mind that i am water curing. I was wondering if i should cure them longer than a week, do to the fact that they were plucked prematurely?
  6. L

    green house

    wow thanks for the pics. that helps alot. ill give it a shot next year and build a greenhouse and see wht i get
  7. L

    green house

    quick question. i was thinking of crafting together a green house next year for my grow. i was wondering about the lighting. would there be enough in the enclosed green house? would lights need to be purchased? thanks