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  1. ALuckyShot

    Covert newb grow Journal

    Alright guys I am so sorry for not updating, I will message each of you a final chapter of this first grow op when it is done with pictures etc... I sort of see some serious folly in keeping track of this stuff like I did when I was so excited. As of right now though we are well into the...
  2. ALuckyShot

    Covert newb grow Journal

    Thread jacking is awesome, especially when it helps me too :D Quick update: All is going well, 3 definite females, 4 more plants need to grow a wee bit more to show sex fully, and I found the strongest White widow and moved her off to soil and back to 24 hour lights. Only submitted it to...
  3. ALuckyShot

    Covert newb grow Journal

    Ya I have been a bad gardener lately. I let my reservoir get low on water and allowed the plants to eat most of the food. I stunted the growth and caused some necrosis to occur in the odd spot but nothing crazy. I added more food, fixed the water etc.... I am getting impatient and want my...
  4. ALuckyShot

    Is it REALLY worth it?

    You are right bud very possible, I am in Canada we are left leaning assholes.
  5. ALuckyShot

    Max Capacity

    I was using an area about that size and I started numerous plants in it. You will end up with some boys so start almost double the seeds to actual plants you want. I would say with an area that size start 4 or 6 seeds and hope for 2 or 3 girls. If you really want to cram them in go ahead and...
  6. ALuckyShot

    Is it REALLY worth it?

    I know what you mean thelastpirate, I am going big or going home once I learn master the craft. If I do get busted I plan on defending myself and presenting the facts regarding its prohibition to a group of 12 of my peers not one old conservative judge.... I don't plan on getting caught...
  7. ALuckyShot

    If you are using tap water for your plants..

    I am a conspiracy nut also guys don't worry your not alone! Seriously though there is something in the making, I believe it is one world government by force or through manipulation.
  8. ALuckyShot

    marijuana bust, saw the same pics on this site!!!

    lol ya type covert newb into google and I am busted big time! Not overly covert being broadcast around the world :D
  9. ALuckyShot

    growing in water

    If you are growing in water you are growing the dro :D Doesn't matter if it is a drip, flood, dwc, nft, heck even aero gets tossed in. You can grow any strain in a hydroponic setup to my knowledge. Maybe I have misuderstood the question
  10. ALuckyShot

    Does anyone one know how?

    This thread gave me a chuckle, a chemical engineer tells some burn outs how to figure out the THC content and they say that can't be right. Priceless, +rep to the chemical engineer Desertrat!
  11. ALuckyShot

    sprouting seeds

    I prefer the paper towel method and would wait for some tap root to start showing. Can't really go wrong I just found I had a better success rate when I let the root stick out vs cracking and tossing them in soil. Both do work though and I may have done something wrong when doing it with the...
  12. ALuckyShot

    Covert newb grow Journal

    Hey Ogrelung, ya you know it bro I am ghetto :D The cardboard is suppose to be temporary but who knows I am sick of removing and mounting my lights in different places. August 12, 2008 Lights: -24 hour fluorescent -18 Hour HID Nutrients: 25% + 1 tsp per 4 gallons of epsom salt, and 2.5ml...
  13. ALuckyShot

    Male parts on a large Cola? See Pics

    Long story short, the good news is you have lots of seeds on hand for awhile to come. The bad news is your big ass cola is going to have lots of seeds and a reduced yeild because of it in actual smoke! Unless you smoke seed..... ewwwwww.
  14. ALuckyShot

    How much do you water and how often?

    Sounds to me like you should be more concerned with over watering... I am a naughty newbie myself and my one soil plant and I get wet and wild every day or every second day. You gotta play it by ear though, before I ever give my plant water I stick a finger about 2.5" into the soil and see...
  15. ALuckyShot

    water temperature in my reservoir?

    Ya 68-72 is ideal, mine can get higher than that since I don't use DWC. DWC will cause root rot way faster than ebb and flow if things aren't right. I found it out first hand when I built a DWC setup.
  16. ALuckyShot

    so, how often do YOU water your hydro garden?

    I use ebb and flow with just clay pellets, I flood about 16 times per day seems to be working very well.
  17. ALuckyShot

    Hydroponic questions

    I have transplanted from soil to hydro 13/13 times now with no kills just do what Tetrahyc said, rinse the soil all off put it in your net pot fill up with hydroton (my preference) and you are done. The key is to do it GENTLY :D
  18. ALuckyShot

    HElp its my first time

    Too funny this is the epitome of the type of thread many of us bash here! -child -parents -weed -stealth Good luck!
  19. ALuckyShot

    water temperature in my reservoir?

    Water at 68 degrees holds some exponential amount more oxygen than water that is say 78 or higher. I have been lazy past couple days not keeping my res temp down.
  20. ALuckyShot

    more f****d up leaf pics. yay!

    You're in hydro don't flush at all, just do what I told you to do. Change your res and put 25% nutrients from the recommended label instructions for your growth stage. Your PPM is way to high quit splitting hairs, go get R/O water your plants will thank you.