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  1. N

    leafs turning yellow and dying???

    Do you by any chance have a medium to large fan blowing directly on your plants from a distance of 1-3 ft away?
  2. N

    plant is hurting, leaf issues

    my newest leaves look like they are turning light green but instead of eventualy turning to yellow they just turn light green and look like they dry out, as well as curling in and down. and on another one of my plants the leaf is turning yellow around the edges of its biggest fan leaves...
  3. N

    New shoots dying

    Im talking about the new development on the stem, where new nodes/fan leaves will grow, when those are mini leaves they alone are starting to discolor and dry. not the rest of my plant.
  4. N

    New shoots dying

    Does anyone have any idea why only my new baby shoots underneath my fan leaves would be dying off, looks like they are turning dark brown and shriveling, using bubbleponics, ph 6.2, feed at half strength, distilled water only(changed every 7 days) and clean resevior weekly, also foliar feed...