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  1. R

    Best strains you have smoked EVER!

    Hehe, Yeah I joined and got high and forgot for 2 years :)
  2. R

    Best strains you have smoked EVER!

    White Widow is def. the most memorable high I ever had. Spent god knows how long go back and forth through my back door because the temp change felt awesome. Then me and my buddy got lost going from my house to his house, seriously. Havent had it since :( RP
  3. R

    Come on lets go green

    I like this idea, going green :) Seriously though, does anyone make an effort to do a environmentally friendly grow room? I have gone about as far as dayzt by using the stems for various tools. Its a logical place to make enviromentally friendly and it will go a long way to improve MJ...
  4. R

    My Plant Wont Bud At All

    Hey hows it going. Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that you have a light leak. That's the only thing I have seen cause that problem. Go in your grow room and close the door/hatch whatever and look for light cracks(with the big guns off obviously). Have a good one RP