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    Need help with ventilation

    Okay guys I'll right down if I have any questions else. Thanks for your help ;)
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    Need help with ventilation

    Sorry for so many questions guys, first time grower here ;) I'm just being afraid that 170cfm fan won't be enough to cool down 400w hps in vertical grow, or shouldn't be I be afraid? And how many fans do I actually need? 1 for cooling down the bulb and that's enough? I would need another one in...
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    Need help with ventilation

    I think that fan would be fine for vertical grow, if not I'll have to buy something else as well. So I just cut back from this cord and connect those cables to that fan?
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    Need help with ventilation

    So what do you guys think about this ? Should I be alright with 170cfm fan?
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    Need help with ventilation

    Well maybe this fan will be alright? It's about 170CFM. How do I suppose to wire it up?
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    Need help with ventilation

    I will be running just open light. My room dimensions are 2x3x7, I will be placing fan under the bulb, shouldn't that booster fan supposed to be more powerful than 4 inch 160crm? Or am I mistaken?
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    Need help with ventilation

    Do you guys think this 12 inch 50watt fan will be any good for vertical 400w grow? thanks :)
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    Need help with ventilation

    Do you guys think this 12 inch 50watt fan will be any good for vertical 400w grow? thanks :)
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    Need help with ventilation.

    Do you guys think this 12 inch 50watt fan will be any good for vertical 400w grow? thanks :)
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    Need help with ventilation.

    So this & this...
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    Need help with ventilation

    So this & this...
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    Need help with ventilation.

    Those panasonics are too damn pricey in Europe.
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    Need help with ventilation.

    Do I need to have an exhaust fan or I can just make a holes for example in my grow tent/room/closet? That should be fine, right?
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    Need help with ventilation

    I need a fan that will not only push out air but be able to absorb it, as I heard it's important to refresh air in grow box, am I right? So this fan should then be okay ...
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    Need help with ventilation

    So will it be enough to have this fan to fully ventilate 4x4 grow tent? As I understood it can push air in & out, is that correct? Or only out? Thanks I'l be using 400w hps btw.
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    Need help with ventilation.

    So will it be enough to have this fan to fully ventilate 4x4 grow tent? As I understood it can push air in & out, is that correct? Or only out? Thanks I'm going to use 400w hps bulb btw.
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    Need help with ventilation

    So will it be enough to have this fan to fully ventilate 4x4 grow tent? As I understood it can push air in & out, is that...
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    New to growing anything...

    Start from weed already :)
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    newbie help needed.

    I also think it would be better to get MH bulb for veg, right?
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    newbie help needed.

    The only thing I bought locally so far is 400HPS bulb + ballast. Ordered from internet PH,ppm, temp meters. I will be buying pots tomorrow. I need your guys recommendations on which fans to get? Please recommend some cheap but strong fans, thanks :) And about nutrients, is it only about numbers...