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  1. U

    Need Some Help: Stumped

    Thank you all for the replies. It was the ventilation. I wound up with one viable WW female. The other female, from unknown stock, was apparently an outdoor variety which unchecked would have grown itself thrice around the grow room. I think it may be a sativa variety of some sort...
  2. U

    Need Some Help: Stumped

    Initially for caution. Heat has been a problem throughout this grow. Early on the lights were set at 10" and signs of heat stress put the fear in me. I plan to get a fan for the light and vent it out a seperate exhaust port-- hopefully that will allow a more efficient light placement.
  3. U

    Need Some Help: Stumped

    Holy cats. Could it be that simple? I don't have any vent fans. I keep the closet door ajar with a ceiling fan going. I figured that would be enough because the force of the ceiling fan noticably moves the plants. But... my roommate occupies that bedroom (room with 2 closets, logical place...
  4. U

    Need Some Help: Stumped

    This is my first grow and my first post-- which I hate writing because I prefer answers through research rather than hand-outs, but here I am, truly and humbly stumped. There are five plants, two are WW and three are bag. Each strain is showing a unique set of symptoms. Symptoms manifested...