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  1. C

    Severe mite infestation

    Anyone mix grandevo with armory and dipel? Think that would be ok? Thanks
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    So i mixes my water last night and phed to 5.9 before additives. Once the additives go in it naturally drops the ph. I normally juat water after that without checking but last night i decided not to water. This morning i checked ph and its 5.4 and 5.5. What should i do just ph back up or what...
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    We asked H&G expert Eliab Lozado “What is your pH when using H&G?” I am trying to keep it in a narrower target zone: 6.0-6.2. Rationale: 6.0-6.2 pH is the range where Calcium & Magnesium seem to be more available to a plant in relation to the rest of the essential elements for...
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    hello, what is the general opinion on runoff ppm. My feed goes i at 450 ppm and comes out at 170
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    Coco: Tips, techniques, and the facts you will need

    I cant get pics to upload but its a 4x8 ft tent, have only 1 thousand watt running, got 6 seedligs in 5 gall smartpots, temps holdin stedy at 73, humidity 50%, giving them 1 1/2 gal everyday now spaced out over 3 or 4 hours, mixed in about 25 % perlite.
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    Coco: Tips, techniques, and the facts you will need

    Hello, I am my first coco grow now. I already nuted too early and stunted them a little. I also didnt prerinse my coco like you said, I am 3 weeks in from seed now and just developing the 3rd and 4th nodes on some. When i check my ppm runoff its 200 more then when it went it, and ph goes from...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hell yeah man, bud looks killer. 👌 Thanks for the advice
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Right on good to know. Normally i grow soil organic, looking for that quick growth and higher yield so im trying the coco.heres what im thinking: 200 ppm calmg entire grow Veg- 1 month 6 3 gal smartpots 50%coco 50%perlite Nute: Canna coco a/b Cannazyme after 1 week Rhizotonic Bloom...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Does anyone use protekt silica as ph up and/or molasses as ph down
  10. C

    Hey do you still have that veganic info?

    Hey do you still have that veganic info?
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    multiple questions

    Frosty, I wanted specific answers and opinions, I simply asked to move it so more people can see, and some of the questions I asked I did google search and just wanted more opinions, not a general answer that every knows. Sorry
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    marijuana seeds canada

    Any one them before, also known as single marijuana seed
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    Secret Jardin 4x4x8

    Right On, thanks guys. I have a window to vent the ac but the problem is I have an upstairs apartment and there is a backyard under the window so it would be dripping in there yard so I dont know what to do.
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    Secret Jardin 4x4x8

    Hello, so i decided to buy a tent I think. I have a couple questions still. 1. In that size tent I plan on running a 600w light with 4 5 gall girls in it. 2. Would 5,000 btu air conditioner be good for that? What size humidifiers do you guys use for a tent this size 3. bought a 1000w ballast...
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    multiple questions

    Can a mod please move this to like general growing questions or something, I respect the organics section the most thats why i posted here but none of my setup questions have been answered, understandable though. I just didnt feel like making 2 different posts
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    multiple questions

    curious, If I have a lighthood I used for my 1000w, can I use it for my 600w that I want to purchase?
  17. C

    multiple questions

    Right on, Thanks again Bud
  18. C

    multiple questions

    thanks for all the replies so far. I havent decided yet which way i am going but saving money is always good. I do have my alfalfa meal my kelp meal, and my tomato tone meal, still and like half a bag of earthworm castings, and some peat, but they are all like 5 months old and have been sitting...
  19. C

    multiple questions

    Well the problem with that is how do I know its a good organic soil. I live in southern cali, not exactly organic mecca. Not having to mix sounds amazing though hah. There is one good place which is a farm feed supply place which may have a viable option. I know I can mix a better batch though.
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    multiple questions

    I have only done one grow in my life and unfortunately was cut out because it was a partner grow and i thought the guy was actually my friend,but anyhow that made me stop reading and everything because i was pissed but now I have my growing addiction back in my head and I need some advice. I...