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  1. Gamblor

    Covert newb grow Journal

    Damn dude; I wish I could be more help with the watering schedules, but I REALLY don't know shit about hydroponic grow systems :( As for the spider mites; what signs have you seen that suggest spider mites? Do you see them (they're too small to see with the naked eye really, unless they're in...
  2. Gamblor

    My Lil Closet Grow

    Yeah man just stick to basic air curing for now...if you do it nice and long like the dude above was saying, it'll beat the taste of a water cure anyway, IMO...oh and it'll roll a fat ass blunt that smokes well anyway :D
  3. Gamblor

    Covert newb grow Journal

    Keeping my fingers crossed that you can get that temp steady in the 70's, but I'm pretty confident you can. Just keep giving the updates how you have been, makes it nice and easy for us to analyze :D ROCK on
  4. Gamblor

    My Lil Closet Grow

    Damn man, excellent job, 'specially for a first grow... May you end up with plenty of medicine :P P.S. Mac Dre R.I.P.
  5. Gamblor

    Covert newb grow Journal

    To be honest man you need to just rip down that aluminum's doing more harm than good at this point and I bet you could drop the temp. in that box substantially if you did. You shouldn't even use that stuff as a last resort, and that extra heat is just stressing the fuck out of those...
  6. Gamblor

    Close up bud shots.

    I'll respond properly when I stop drooling on my keyboard...
  7. Gamblor

    The Stealth Project

    hehe not bad for growing bud in a box in the corner of the room...oh and for being your first grow, nice for a small scale; not a big yield or anything, but worth it so you can say you've gotten a plant into flowering without it bursting into flames :P
  8. Gamblor

    I am cutting her down in ten minutes...take a look

    Oh man that looks tasty...good job mang.
  9. Gamblor

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Why Do You Always Capitalize Every Word You Write And Forget To Use Periods? :hump:
  10. Gamblor

    Lady Bug Orgy?

    Lol if there were THAT many pests for them to munch on, I'd be worried. Looks like good, clean fucking!
  11. Gamblor

    could use an opinion or two

    So, although I'm sure you've checked already, might be a good idea to check one last time before moving on... If there's NO pests then answer me these ?'s Where did the wilting start? Bottom to top? Top to bottom? With the new growth or the old? Are the leaves curling up ( and if they've been...