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  1. Shannanigenz

    Cant sleep aaaahhhh!!

    Try ebay, thats where I get mine from.
  2. Shannanigenz


    Nice and healthy!! :D
  3. Shannanigenz


    No problem
  4. Shannanigenz

    Recipe for Giant Reese's PB Cup wit Cannabutter-pics

    shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: I fixed it :-P and yes, extensive taste testing involved lol
  5. Shannanigenz

    Recipe for Giant Reese's PB Cup wit Cannabutter-pics

    Thanks for the rep, to you and shamegame :blsmoke::blsmoke: And I wouldn't be a good candidate for making the worlds largest reese's, it wouldnt last that long :lol:
  6. Shannanigenz


    Theoretically you can keep them there until they are a little bigger, or just keep them under grow lights when they start to produce the pods. Only reason you shouldn't keep them that close if they are outdoor because they shade each other and thats messes up your crop. You'll still get peas...
  7. Shannanigenz

    Recipe for Giant Reese's PB Cup wit Cannabutter-pics

    For sure! You can use any kind of chocolate you want, i've even used dark and semi sweet chocolate and it came out great. Just gotta make sure it will melt smoothly. Im sure you can use whatever you want, i've just never tried it. And I will def. tell you how it comes out. :blsmoke:
  8. Shannanigenz

    Recipe for Giant Reese's PB Cup wit Cannabutter-pics

    Yeah, my hubby and I are lightweights despite how much we smoke (daily, for a few years now lol) and there is a point I don't like to get to, as far as being stoned. With that recipe, you'll be able to function without tripping over your feet yet feel a nice little buzz. But its all up to you...
  9. Shannanigenz


    No prob. 3 plants will grow fine in a 5 gallon container as long as they are atleast few inches apart (I do mine about 5 inches). Thats the great thing about peas, you can plant them almost right on top of each other and they use the other plants for support and I would recommend not separating...
  10. Shannanigenz

    Recipe for Giant Reese's PB Cup wit Cannabutter-pics

    You can use more if you want. Originally we didn't use cannabutter and was trying to get the recipe to taste as close to a reese's as possible. Also depends on how strong your butter is. But if you want a nice buzz and don't mind the taste try using 2-3 tablespoons. I'll try to make one tonight...
  11. Shannanigenz


    What kind of peas are you wanting to grow? I do sugar snaps, basically a no brainer to growing and you dont need to stake em up (usually). Just have to germinate them before planting (i use the wet paper towel trick). Other than that, just water them when they need it. They like moist soil, so...
  12. Shannanigenz

    Where You Guys Live? (Don't Say)!

    North Georgia, although we are moving to Oregon in a few months. Whats it like up there? Mountains and ocean...sounds like paradise to me :blsmoke:
  13. Shannanigenz

    Weed Tea Need Help ASAP

    Founds this, I think i'm going to go try it here in a few. Make sure you use the butter and the milk, people said on the thread that you wont get any affects from the THC if you don't use it... funny thing that is.. sorry to hear about your aunt, I hope this helps her. Marihemp: Cooking...
  14. Shannanigenz

    Recipe for Giant Reese's PB Cup wit Cannabutter-pics

    Diggitydank420 suggested that I do a thread for this, so here it is. You can always do more PB filling and less chocolate, but i'm a chocoholic and one full slice of this stuff will probably give you diabetes (or at the very least sugar shock), so smoke a lot before you eat it so your blood...
  15. Shannanigenz

    Mj Candy Recipes

    Sent to you guys, was too big to upload. Hope you like it, i swear it tastes just like the real thing + that little added 'buzz':joint:
  16. Shannanigenz

    Mj Candy Recipes

    lol no kidding there... want me to email you a MS word doc (pm if you do)? or can i just attach it here? give me a sec to get it together and i'll just attach. Only thing I dont have on it is how to make the cannabutter, i know everyone has their method. Hope you enjoy, here is a pic of it...
  17. Shannanigenz

    Mj Candy Recipes

    I've got one for a giant Reese's Peanut butter cup that uses cannabutter...and I do mean giant. Like the size of a pie, and omg its great lol I love PB cups, and we got tired of having to buy them so often b/c they go so fast :lol: One of the ultimate stoner foods...
  18. Shannanigenz

    Coffee Conversion

    An ounce and and a half coffee grounds per gallon of water if they are used (2 1/2 tablespoons). And you don't have to add the coffee grounds in water, just sprinkle very lightly around the base of the plant, kind of stir them into the top layer of soil and check your pH everyday. Either way, it...
  19. Shannanigenz


    It depends on what kind of strawberries you want to plant and if they are indoor/outdoor. Seasonal or everbearing (seasonal being you get fruit once a year, vs. EB which fruit 3x a year) are the two main kinds. Seasonal you plant in early spring after the frost (late march for me). I get my...
  20. Shannanigenz


    Pic is pretty blurry but it looks burned. Move your lights a little further away if thats whats doing it. How do you know your roots aren't developing? And at a week old there wont be a lot of roots to show, atleast not in my experience... Mine are about 2 weeks old and im just now seeing the...