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    Comleted my first grow got seeds not Buds - how long is the drying time for seeds?

    Hi Finished my first grow, made an error and got over 550 KC36 seeds, is there a drying time for these seeds before they are ready to germinate?
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    DemonTrich Grow Journal-- BF Laughing Budda and BF Pineapple Chunk from seed

    Im in week 3 of flowering, using....dont laugh KC36 i know theyre shite but Im new made the mistake of picking these, germed 4/10 and had 1 male, ripped it out after 1 week as it had balls like marbles. Im using supervit and Big Bud
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    DemonTrich Grow Journal-- BF Laughing Budda and BF Pineapple Chunk from seed

    things looking good, wish mine get that fat
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    Flowering stage and see a few seeds

    @Budfever thanks @greenlikemoney I didnt say they were pregnant, I pulled the male out within 7 days and if a few seeds are on a plant is normal im still looking a decent stuff at the end.. :-)
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    Flowering stage and see a few seeds

    Greetings, I'm in flowering stage for 15 days now, one of the plants turned out to be male after 7 days of flowering, I pulled it out asap but is it normal to see seeds on the other two plants, so far ive found and picked out 5 seeds, is that normal?
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    How to transplant clones from x-stream propagator to soil based medium?

    Hi Guys, whats the best/easiest way to transplant clones from a x-stream propagator into soil based medium, do i place them into rockwool first, if so what type etc thanks
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    Recommended tent size using a 400w HPS

    thanks for all the help guys
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    NEED HELP (First grow/3€ Cannabis Starter Kit)

    poor lighting, dem plants long...too long, where is the width?
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    RH avaeraging 40-45% and have dry leafs any advice

    sorry the led's are about 10-12 inches above plants, we only give them half the nuits required . the soil doesnt dry out until 3/4 days so watering could be eratic whats the easiest way to increase the rh to 50-60%
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    RH avaeraging 40-45% and have dry leafs any advice

    Hi using 300w led's, strain 3 x kc 36, babies are 4 weeks old now but showing signs of having yellow on the edges of the leafs which are very dry, any advide please? sorry no pics yet ill sort it out soon
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    lights don't switch off when supposed to

    thats weird, different timers same issue, in my opinion its user error, have you switched the timer button on at the side?
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    Grow tent running at temp 29c degrees

    thanks for the input
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    Grow tent running at temp 29c degrees

    room temp is around 24-27c 6 inch circulation is being not really being used but i keep on telling to use the damn thing. 4 inch intake fan what would the 3ply 6 innh ductling do? cool tube hood sound a good idea
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    Grow tent running at temp 29c degrees

    Room temp is around 25-27c...London getting very warm these days lol , he has a 6 inch circulation fan but doesnt really use it too often, i keep telling him the temp is too high put the fan on full power And he has air intake and going out in the same room
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    Grow tent running at temp 29c degrees

    A friend of mine currently 100 x 100 x 200 grow tent, 400 hps but running temperature of 29c degrees and at 3.5 weeks of veg growth how does he bring the temperature down to 25c degrees? thanks
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    Recommended tent size using a 400w HPS

    thanks guys
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    Recommended tent size using a 400w HPS

    Hi Whats the recommened tent size using a 400W HPS bulb? thanks