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  1. S

    Ask Questions Here

    i have two plants that are around 1 and a half months old and theve been through hail and a shitload of rain. i was wondering if it would be a good idea if i should top them or pinch them would it make a difference in the way the plants grow? and is it risky?
  2. S

    is this a male or female?

    my twat tickles
  3. S

    Male.. Female

    would my plant that is about a month old and is being grown outdoors survive a week straight od thunderstorms? this is what the plant looks like .. also when does the plants usually flowed if is grown from june?
  4. S

    is this a male or female?

    thanks my baby is about a month old how much longer until it starts flowering ?
  5. S

    Male.. Female

    how do you make tea with the leaves?
  6. S

    is this a male or female?

    this is what it looks like now..
  7. S

    is this a male or female?

    thankss for the help i just moved my babies into the middle i was scared that i would damage the routes though is it easy to stun the plant while moving it?
  8. S

    is this a male or female?

    what are some ways to tell and is it a female?