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  1. M

    Why do my clones keep dying?

    oh but i was thinking if you wanted to make your own foliar spray then use a couple drops of superthrive with some rooting hormone (from powder so it disolves) with just the slightest amount of nutes like less than 100 ppm. and if the clone is in soil then maybe 1% or .5% h2o2 so it helps keep...
  2. M

    Why do my clones keep dying?

    foliar sprays are important from the way i understand. now i haven't cloned anything yet, but i have an areoponic cloner and am going to be cloning in one month or so. and from what i read since the roots are suppos to be in pure ph'd water with no nutes so the foliar spray is the only nutes...
  3. M

    dwc water has floating things in it

    how can i prevent this from happening again. should i get a pump to keep it circulating in the res or what?. and is this normal? will these little floaters hurt the plants?
  4. M

    dwc water has floating things in it

    is this bad? my water in my dwc res has floating little pieces of stuff in it. i mean its not floating on the top its floating inside the water like suspended in the water. kinda looks like broken up tea leaves (small but each little clump is about 1/16th an inch to 1/8 inch long but is like a...
  5. M

    first grow in dwc question about wattering

    bump what is the water level suppose to be in a 5 gal dwc bucket? as right now it goes up to the bottom of the net pot? is this right? or should i lower it? remember they just sprouted 4 days ago.
  6. M

    Favorite method of smokeing

    fuck everything i vape like a bitch. it saves so much and does the job. of course i turn mine up to a high 400F temp so to do the job quicker, but if i want at times i do it at around 328F and really make it last with no smoke and all taste. bong is next choice, bubbler 3rd, joint/blunt 4th...
  7. M

    first grow in dwc question about wattering

    i'm an idiot. that's what i did. i put up light shields just this afternoon! that must be why my cubes are still moist. funny i did it so that way i don't grow mold i didn't think it would make it to where i didn't have to water as much. oh as another question. i think i have read that the...
  8. M

    first grow in dwc question about wattering

    here it is, i have a dwc with two 5 gal buckets. i have germed and planted two seeds in rockwool and have been wattering the rockwool 5 to 3 times a day, as it would get dry. until the seed sprouted then i wattered 3 times a day. question, It's 4 days from sprout and the rockwool seems to...
  9. M

    Cheap web site where i can find a t5 high energy fluorscent kit??

    here this is the cheapest i can find, a t5ho 4ft 54 watt balast with bulb: Sun Blaze T5 Fluorescent Strip Light 4ft 1 bulb 54W oh and also if you break it down this is cheapest even if you get multiples of them. see it is a single t5ho light with balast. now for 10 bucks you can get a thing to...
  10. M

    first grow hydro BC sweet tooth

    where are the new pics and how much did it yield? this is fuckd up?
  11. M

    how many ml to feed an unsprouted seed

    exactly how am i suppose to tell if i'm over wattering? i mean the seeds haven't sprouted! so i can't see anything or signs of over wattering. i know some people say to use the weight method, and make sure it has a certain amount of grams of watter or something. but i want to know...
  12. M

    how many ml to feed an unsprouted seed

    i was really wondering how much in a measureable quantity. and i understand conditions will vary which will change the amount of water uptake by the plant. but on average about guess estimate i don't care i just want to have an idea of what is over wattering and what is under wattering. ya...
  13. M

    when is the earliest i can force flower to tell sex

    i didn't know. i just don't want to waste the space and the time and nutes and everything on something i am going to kill. but if it stresses it that much i probably won't do it. since i will be taking clones i don't want the dna of the clone to have stress or at least as little stress as...
  14. M

    how many ml to feed an unsprouted seed

    right now i'm giving it 10 ml in the morning and 10 at night. this seems to wait until the hydrotion rocks next to the rockwool cube are dry (the rocks are a darker color when wet). does this sound about right, first grow and all so any help would be appriciated. oh and if anyone can recomend...
  15. M

    when is the earliest i can force flower to tell sex

    new at growing, and i want to waste as little time as possible. so i was just wondering when is the earliest i can force flower on a 12/12 cycle so i can kill my males? i used the search on rollitup but that comes back with so many nonrelated posts and threads. so i figure i would ask.
  16. M

    digital vaporizer resin build up in tube, is this hash?

    i have a crapy oxygen mini by vapir. friend got a volcano and i bought this off him for 50 bucks plus he threw in the battery for it. its not that bad i think, but a lot of people say they're shit?
  17. M

    digital vaporizer resin build up in tube, is this hash?

    i am new to vapeing but love it through and through. thing is i see after a few uses a build of resign on my tubing from the vaporiser to the mouthpiece. so my question, since i am slow cooking the pot, is this resin buildup of vapor similar to hash. i know when i get enough to scrape it i...
  18. M

    email468 new equipment grow (PPP)

    hey i just need to log this, as i am growing ppp in a similar fashion ish, and i love how you go through all the details for everyday. very informative, thank you.
  19. M

    LED Lights?

    i have 1 blue 225 count with 13.8 watt total and 1 red same specs. haven't used them yet, but i'm hoping they give me that extra 1/4 or whatnot. i mean the more bud the better. and i added the leds to cfl/hps grow, so i am kinda using three different technologies to grow bud. i want to add in...