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  1. cypress01

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hi guys, This is my second message at the main-lining thread and i'll leave you some new pics from my first attempt, she has 8 heads at the moment. Around middle november i'll take her outside so she can keep vegging until mid january i believe. Then starts the fun, flowering until middle...
  2. cypress01

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Thank's guys, i already cut them off, i will upload a new pic once i prune for eight. :D
  3. cypress01

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hey guys this is my first attempt at mainlining, and I have a doubt, I hope someone can help me. What should I do with the new buds shown on the picture below? Cut them and leave the fan leaves, cut them along with the fan leaves, or let them be? I pruned for four last Saturday. I'll leave the...