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  1. ElChangoFumando

    Do the local cops have to know?

    413 representing. As a lifetime consumer and advocate of this issue, I googled this: As I'm reading it, Beacon Hill is still trying to work out 'context'; imho it seems best to carry on efforts underway, and still...
  2. ElChangoFumando

    My first post! Thanks in advance!

    (Addendum: I still rock an iPhone 3GS, so forgive my latency issues!)
  3. ElChangoFumando

    My first post! Thanks in advance!

    I'll attempt brevity to describe my current situation, and seek your advices on what to do if you were me. I live in Massachusetts with a great roommate who happens to live daily with cancer. Given some of the pain I've seen this guy endure, (especially after chemo treatments!), I've seen...
  4. ElChangoFumando

    Welcome New Members!

    Where can I get cedar paper to wrap bass in? Lol! Ba-dum, pshhhhh!
  5. ElChangoFumando

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm new here, RockyMtnMan is a dear old personal friend of mine, and a highly regarded tradesman. Looking forward to checking this site out! I'm in the 413, and Mass just passed legislatively recently! Former CO. resident. Nice to make your acquaintences! Forgive in advance any dumb newbie...