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  1. nguyai

    advanced nutrients

    hi all , just want to pick your minds for some advice on nutes i am currently in flower and am using sensi a sensi b sensi enzymes big bud liquid and hammerhead 9/18 but i m not sure what ratio to use them in i have a general idea but would like to be more exact also would adding carboload be...
  2. nguyai

    Has Anybody Grown Himalayan Gold ?

    a friend of mine grew six hg it was killer smoke very nice strong high and as far as i know pretty good yield too. greenhouse seeds i think:leaf:
  3. nguyai

    Where can I get some spice gold?
  4. nguyai

    contaminated weed

    now know as gritweed see youtube ,here in ireland we get most of our stuff from the uk.or grow your own or know somebody who does grow. in the last year it was discovered that these vietamese gangs grow the weed in large scale and spray the harvest with road marking paint or fyberglass many...
  5. nguyai

    Fucked Up Story About Laced Weed

    your mate was right to fuck him up messing around with weed like that is not on. fucking crack dealers pure cowards and all mouth
  6. nguyai

    mexican plant

    not to worry i have five barneys farm nightshade and 4 blue mistic its a blueberry strain, and a thai choc and a kc33xmasterkush and the mex is just an extra interest of mine . the nightshade is supposed to be good its a cannabis cup winner
  7. nguyai


    if you chop the cancer out the plat will stall and take a week or more to start finishing
  8. nguyai

    mexican plant

    looks healthy so far i,ll post some pics soon when she flowers more maybe you can id it
  9. nguyai

    mexican plant

    greetings all from ireland my bro was in the us and mexico last year while in mexico he picked up some street weed , to cut along story short there were some seeds in it , he brought them home to me and i germinated them and veg and now there 2 weeks in flower, about 1.3 m high not sure what...
  10. nguyai

    feeding time

    hi all growing some barneys farm nightshade in soil under a 600 hps in a grow tent feeding the sensi 2 part and big bud and hammerhead 9/13 all from advanced nutes , but not 100% on the ml/per litre ratio would love to here your opinion s and views irish grower me in dublin:weed: cheers to all
  11. nguyai

    Placed my first order with "The Attitude"!.

    do you think so, most are golddiggers unless you not in the city i think yous in the us have the pick of many
  12. nguyai

    Placed my first order with "The Attitude"!.

    i wasn,t aware of the laws on seeds in the us here in ireland they have been able to sell seeds in shops under the view that it is against the law to germinate them but not to buy, crazy or what ?
  13. nguyai

    Placed my first order with "The Attitude"!.

    i dont understand what country are you all in '?
  14. nguyai

    Hello All!! Any From Ireland/N.Ireland here??!

    unless you geow your own best way here
  15. nguyai

    Hello All!! Any From Ireland/N.Ireland here??!

    not great only dry imported skunk from england not bad when not tampered with
  16. nguyai

    Need Help Please....Have Pics

    st pat cause i in the land of green smoking some green
  17. nguyai

    Need Help Please....Have Pics

    i recomend just water for 2-3 days and they should be brand new these plants are very tough and will always prosper especially in veg after all it is a weed , good luck and happy st patricks day
  18. nguyai

    Need Help Please....Have Pics

    hi i think just too much nutrients but you may have your light to near way too early to tell male or female
  19. nguyai


    is this weed or weed subsitute
  20. nguyai

    Welcome New Members!

    hi newbie here i in the fair city of dublin and growing northern lights indoors under a 400 hps 2 weeks left till chop. just wanted to know if anyone ever tried lemon skunk from greenhouse seeds , thinking of giving them ago next. anyfeed back welcome, cheers and thanks all GREAT SITE AND...