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  1. 4

    Mormons....the religious punchline of faiths.

    I don't know, I've been trying to get weed here in Utah for 3 years (I only visit during the summers) and have NEVER had any luck. A bunch of possibles but nothing has ever materialized. They are good people...TOO GOOD:) To contrast it, I was able to walk into a clinic in Venice CA, get my...
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    I know most of us here are 'self sufficient' as far as stock goes. before I started growing, I always had friends who did the dirty work. I have never had to rely on a dealer but I now find myself having to do the dirty work myself! So, do any of you have some 'genuine', GENERAL tips on...
  3. 4

    You all SUCK!

    Close enough, down south a bit. Cougar town.
  4. 4

    You all SUCK!

    No, it is quite beautiful...But the in-laws are Mormon and it's "difficult" to be myself
  5. 4

    You all SUCK!

    Not really, just jonesin' :joint: and stuck with the in-laws and a bazillion of their grandkids in Mormonville Utah! Now, if that doesn't make you feel better about your life then not much will...rofl
  6. 4

    In Utah now...Provo/Orem, talk about dry! I hate/HATE/H.A.T.E not having any hookups here:(...

    In Utah now...Provo/Orem, talk about dry! I hate/HATE/H.A.T.E not having any hookups here:( Back to Qatar in a month to start grow #5 (Power Plant)
  7. 4

    Hi, just wanted to share and send out a thank you!

    It's definitely one of the best I have found! Any recommendations for my next grow? I only grow from seed because I am out of town every 4 months or so (perfect for a grow and can't keep a mother. I am looking for a good hybrid with a shorter grow cycle but I do have a good 4...
  8. 4

    I am American but live in Qatar, obviously, so discretion is a must but I do lurk here from time...

    I am American but live in Qatar, obviously, so discretion is a must but I do lurk here from time to time and like to share my experiences. I have been pretty lucky to have a good setup and have had 4 successful crops in the last two years. All my crops are for personal consumption of...
  9. 4

    Hi, just wanted to share and send out a thank you!

    You have all been a big help! I'm from the U.S. but stuck in Qatar, Finished my 4th grow about 2 months ago...Probably going to start the 5th soon as I decide on strains. As with all my grows these are purely personal for myself and one friend, gotta be paranoid here!!! Grown: Early Durban...
  10. 4

    AK-48, Aurora Indica, PPP, NYPD, Blackberry, Blue Mystic, or Rasberry Cough

    I've grown AK-48 and wasn't too impressed but as we all know each of us have our own taste. The grow was quite easy though but yield was a bit below average in my opinion. The seeds were from Nirvana and I grew the AK along with some of their freebies (unknown type), the freebies were actually...
  11. 4

    Nirvana Mystery Seeds from last year...

    I finally got around to starting these. Already in Flower. Definitely Indica Dominant, all Fems. Anyone grow these out? How did they smoke?
  12. 4

    JahRoot's 400 Watt Closet Grow

    Will be watching, and next grow is in 2 weeks...Ak-48 Fem=]
  13. 4

    Nirvana Mystery seed's

    I got a pack of those as well, real curious as to what they are=] I will probably try a couple on my next grow, which is about 2 weeks away. Just waiting for my tent to free up!
  14. 4

    Welcome to rollitup! Nice to meet you, I'll be visiting Athens myself in about 2 weeks, would...

    Welcome to rollitup! Nice to meet you, I'll be visiting Athens myself in about 2 weeks, would really enjoy being able to get together with some "like minded" individuals and discuss the fine art of growing. I don't get much of an opportunity to discuss my grows here in the fine state of...
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    Hey there, I noticed your post and that you are in Athens. I'll be visiting Athens in about 2...

    Hey there, I noticed your post and that you are in Athens. I'll be visiting Athens in about 2 weeks...just staying for a conference. It would be cool to chat about growing..etc. I have 2 successful grows under my belt so I wouldn't consider myself an expert but I'm always learning! Not...
  16. 4

    Too many females?!?

    By looking at my name you can probably imagine that I have NOTHING to speak of here....sooo I have no Idea what I am going to do with 7 plants This was all just a grand experiment and only for personal consumption;) It all started when I was planning a trip to Amsterdam when my...
  17. 4

    Too many females?!?

    Well, I know it's not a common This is my first grow. I am growing in soil, in a 4x4x6 tent, under 400w HPS. I started 10 from seed. 4 Early Durban (Flying Dutchmen) and 6 from some Sri Lankan bag seed I had. Now, 8 of these (4 of each) made it through vegging and are now 1.5...