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  1. C

    Male or female???

    Fuck. You sure man? Could it be buds starting and I just missed the hairs?? :(
  2. C

    Male or female???

    Unfortunately I believe it's a male but I want to be 100% sure before I kill it.
  3. C

    PICTURE ADDED Can someone please tell me if this is pre flowering and sex if so?

    I can't. Unless you can tell me how to on the iPhone.
  4. C

    PICTURE ADDED Can someone please tell me if this is pre flowering and sex if so?

    It's really too early for a untrained eye to tell. Tbh from what I've looked at online and read about, my plants a hermanphedite. Plus the fact that I found these seeds on a bag of weed reinforces that theory. Now I know everyone's gonna tell me "no. Buy seeds. And blah blah blah." Tbh this...
  5. C

    PICTURE ADDED Can someone please tell me if this is pre flowering and sex if so?

    I apologize everyone. I literally just made this account and I'm not sure how to post a picture while using and iPhone. I googled for literally an hour and found nothing that looked or sounded even similar to what is growing from the nodes of my seedling.
  6. C

    PICTURE ADDED Can someone please tell me if this is pre flowering and sex if so?

    My plant is about 5 weeks old and this is my first grow. I don't know much about sexing plants and I need an expert eye to look at this.