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  1. M

    I havent needed too much 'till now

    I will post pics in the afternoon when lights come on
  2. M

    I havent needed too much 'till now

    Thats what i did with the last few seconds of lights on.
  3. M

    I havent needed too much 'till now

    I cant take a picture at this moment but, my plant is in week 7 of 12/12 and was doing great even this morning it was great until tonight when i came home a few minutes before lights out and noticed the whole plant is drooping, branches are all of a sudden too heavy and i think so many branches...
  4. M

    Sharing my grow :D-1st time grower

    flowering started 9/6 :D lookin nice in there
  5. M

    Can i please get some help?

    yes, they stretch and grow for the first 2-3 weeks
  6. M

    r.k.s strain

    Looks great !
  7. M

    2 weeks into flowering :)

    Looks very nice :D good job
  8. M

    Help with Sog 4x8 grow...Strain Hunters White Lemon and Female Seeds WWXBB

    50 plants? omg good luck im struggling with 10
  9. M

    Flower/bloom question

    heres mine at 13 days, i see it in yours now . good luck with your grow looks nice
  10. M

    Please Help! Sick plants...=/

    let your tap water sit open 24hrs
  11. M

    Flower/bloom question

    well sorry then for my bad remark. i just didnt see any hairs. so sorry!
  12. M

    Flower/bloom question

    No, you should have some by now tho...
  13. M

    supercroping 7 days before flowering

    i super cropped a little branch today on my big plant and its not dying its pointing up towards its light source
  14. M

    supercroping 7 days before flowering

    I super cropped 6 days in . BE SO FRIGGIN GENTLE IF U DO IT
  15. M

    supercroping 7 days before flowering

    go for it they only usually need 2 days at most
  16. M

    How do I make my big, leafy plant finally start to flower? It's my first time...

    give us more info on what your working with. Pics? how tall? what size pot u got it in? what nutes do you have and what have u been using? what light schedule? MORE info please :D
  17. M

    Yellow leaves on my girl !

    i also think your temps should be ok mine are the same and mine does fine.
  18. M

    Yellow leaves on my girl !

    look into super cropping on your larger one, if you decide to use it come back here and post before you go for it. you might think about adding some calmag + , also what kind of water are you using?
  19. M

    Just finished my setup! Comments Please

    its small the 21 dollar roll its a fat one and long, i covered 4 feet side x2x2 feet on 3 sides, with a little left over. btw i should have mentioned this but those blankets are in the camping section tiny package