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  1. growbig78

    what is your honest gram per watt ? no bull shit . honest answers only.please.

    Or how long plants were vegged- 8 weeks instead of 4 would probably affect yield.
  2. growbig78

    Drying whole plant attached vs. Separating branches?

    Royal Queen has sold me some pretty good genetics, but don't have enough grows to speak from actual experience (except that for me wet trim is much easier, but need alcohol handy for blades). Their website told me about at least one of their strains: "This cannabis strain will require an 8 week...
  3. growbig78

    Sea of Seeds - so far so good

    Yeah, they've been without cc processing since like October. So last week i just ordered from Herbies, really glad cash worked out for you. EM is around here a lot, good to know they're on that project to find a cc intermediary.
  4. growbig78

    1000w vs. 600w or anything else

    You'd need an alternate reality machine to be sure. But good educated guesses become possible with a lot of experimenting. Sadly I've neither. Sounds from my research like you get get both deeper penetration and a bigger footprint when you go from 600 to 1000. But if you're not using the...
  5. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks Macto, nice of you to say so. Every day I visit my room with like 7 plants in flower, and I stare at that one in purple. First plant I've grown that went purple, it is so very cool to look at. It's more yellow, and some of those dk purple leaves are drying out at tips so it's not as...
  6. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    At least another 7 based on the white pistils. Probably more than 14 but hate to be bearer of bad news. But as you know I'm not that experienced with my own grows, just based on pics and RIU. I'm about the same stage on 2 of mine now, waiting is major pain in butt. This is a week ago, and...
  7. growbig78

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Took your suggestion and tried out the copper-lined idea, and think I liked what it did for my root development. Bought 20 pots for like $2 each online and haven't worn them out yet. But I'll look into it when I get to next level in my growing, thank you again man. As to my yard, yeah, it was...
  8. growbig78

    Discount Codes for Seed Banks WANTED

    I think "herbie" at herbies. And "RIU" at Sea of Seeds.
  9. growbig78

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hey Yubee, thanks largely to your counsel I: am successfully into second grow (3 harvesting, ~7 to go in coming weeks) use 1 gal microkote (copper lined) pots between beer cups and final 3-6 gallon home [as I upskill I'll germ directly into the 1 gallons and cut out water germ'ing (towel or...
  10. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    ^thanks kindnug, better to learn to spot them on someone else's plant than my own, glad you confirmed my eye. Hopefully playgolf sees this.
  11. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Pic 3 looks like those might be nanners sprouting. I am by no means an expert eye.
  12. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    The same RQS White Widow from post 9556, one week later. Minus three bigest buds, and tried new pics by putting loupe against camera lens for close ups, that friggin worked ! Still don't know if it's fully matured - I chopped the three main colas so far (after three days of hanging in closet...
  13. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    ^Maybe pic 7, 8, and then pic 10 may be closest after that. The others a week or more more? But don't listen to me, I came here looking for advice on 4 a little bit further along than yours and got nothing so far. Good luck ! [and I wouldn't just cut and jar even with a dozen packs in a jar...
  14. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    ^Yeah, I was just messing around, they're only 9 days since flowering started (16 days since 12/12). I was showing them to duster, and didn't think anyone read this thread for advice any more. You are right about its potential - last 3 trees I grew from the same breeder took forever and never...
  15. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Not sure what strain this one is, it's not the AK48 it was supposed to be, probably a random hybrid or mutant or messy breeding room? Reacted negatively to supersoil, major nitrogen toxicity almost immediately, left it, plain water as needed same as all the other plants that responded...
  16. growbig78

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    As 2 weeks old feminized ceedlings I accidentally poisoned 4 girls with too much vinegar (late Sept), they were runts for a good 2 weeks following, thought maybe they were permanently stunted. They recovered, topped them w variation of UB's method around Nov 12, supercropped the main branches...
  17. growbig78

    taco-ing upwards

    Too much water has caused the same problem on my plant, which curled up a lot more, like a canoe. It had enough, and I gave it more. Rookie mistake for me. And I'm a rookie.
  18. growbig78

    near harvest - found a web covering a bud - HELP !!

    ^THank you very much !!
  19. growbig78

    near harvest - found a web covering a bud - HELP !!

    So, no neem oil, but maybe mighty wash and prayer? Decontam the room 'fore next grow? Sorry, my Cryptic's a bit rusty.