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  1. Tidal

    Shootout grow: Evergrow vs. SuperThrive

    Fair enough. Although this grow might help prove that and save others some money down the road. This isn't my main grow so I'm not TOO worried about the outcome. Just curious. I like to test things. It's fun! I don't really want to use any straight up ferts in this grow though so I can...
  2. Tidal

    Shootout grow: Evergrow vs. SuperThrive

    Spent the last week up till this point making a proper trail to the property edge. There's a strip where timber was cut so it'll make a nice, stealthy southern-facing patch. It rained HARD too so the reservoirs are filled :-) Onward to germing the seeds..
  3. Tidal

    Shootout grow: Evergrow vs. SuperThrive

    This year should be interesting... I wanted to do a little side-grow to test out some things on the market. I have used both superthrive and sunwheel organics evergrow and I know both work well, so I figured I would put them head to head for the sake of the community. ...And to make this...
  4. Tidal

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    You're confusing "control" with "quality". There's no straight path to great bud. You can't just turn a dial marked "best bud ever". I think you're also confusing "stoner science" with real world experience. Try putting the ego aside and listen a little. You may just learn something from...
  5. Tidal

    im Going orginac got some qustions and want some tips all the tips i will need to start growing

    *shrug* I just know I've tried just about everything on my grows and have seen alot of $ down the drain on junk. The few things I use I like. It's just my personal tastes from my own experiences. Looking at a bottle here: lists lots of things. Anyways that's besides the point: I'm just...
  6. Tidal

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    Looks like you drew a boomerang there, mate.
  7. Tidal

    im Going orginac got some qustions and want some tips all the tips i will need to start growing

    Bro, you can replace most of that shit with Evergrow and it'll save you a buttload of money. Don't go crazy with the supplements before you know what you're doing. Read the info that everyone has posted and keep it simple.
  8. Tidal

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    I have witnessed almost that. Someone built a "raft" and floated it in the swamp under the sun. The roots grew down into the slowly moving water. No soil. Legendary bud.
  9. Tidal

    im Going orginac got some qustions and want some tips all the tips i will need to start growing

    Great info here! Now if the OP just puts in the blood, sweat, and beers he'll have a sweet little organic grow this year.
  10. Tidal

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    There's a reason why they don't grow wine indoors. Indoor weed will never have the taste complexities that outdoor will have. You're never going to get the sun or the weather or the terpenes and extra resin that an outdoor plant will produce to protect itself from the hostile environment...
  11. Tidal

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    Ideally, outdoor should be better than indoor regarding both taste and potency... that is to say when it is done RIGHT. There are just so many terrible outdoor growers out there that it has made people believe that indoor is inherently better. Don't believe it.
  12. Tidal

    im Going orginac got some qustions and want some tips all the tips i will need to start growing

    I agree with the "no bottled nutes" thing. Chemical nutes in your soil might sterilize it (not good). Organic growing means understanding that your soil is alive and has its own little eco-system. Check out something called "evergrow" ( Works great for...
  13. Tidal

    Grasshopper stopper

    *update* I did an experiment with diatomaceous eath. I placed 4 insects (one grasshopper, two fleas, and a tick) in separate jars with a thick layer of DE at the bottom. There was no way that they could avoid being caked with the stuff. The two fleas eventually died. One after 5 hours and...
  14. Tidal

    Grasshopper stopper

    Funny you mentioned that. I caught a praying mantis and put him on one of my plants. He flew away. If only there was a way to get them to stick around. Luckily there are a variety of wasps and other predators that patrol. They take out a good many grasshoppers, which is why I didn't want to...
  15. Tidal

    Wood ash?

    I water my plants with swamp water, urine, and wood ash. The ash PH's the acidic black water perfectly. It's a free fert regimen and the plants love it.
  16. Tidal

    Grasshopper stopper

    Alright rhinohumpenpanda, Cy-kick is next! I wasn't blowing you off, I just wanted to try each thing systematically. BTW the human hair didn't work but it was fun to try. So total list of things tried and definately did not deter: Garlic Hot Pepper Mint oil Human hair Orange oil (burned my...
  17. Tidal

    Grasshopper stopper

    Killing them seems to work somewhat like ya'll say, but the problem mainly is that it only takes one or two to come by and do a whole bunch of damage. The sevin bait has cut them down, but plants are still getting nailed. I guess I'm more interested in trying to come up with something that...
  18. Tidal

    Grasshopper stopper

    Hey, that's what this thread is all about. Trying out stuff you heard might work. I'm happy to donate these plants to pseudo-science haha. I'm going to apply sevin bait (with highest possible concentration) tomorrow. I'll try another area with hair clippings and see what that does.
  19. Tidal

    Grasshopper stopper

    So I'm sad to say that I witnessed multiple grasshoppers munching on neem coated leaves today. Two different species of 'hopper in fact. I had high hopes for neem!... This is not to say neem may not work in other ways but as a feeding deterrent it definately didn't do a thing. The plants...
  20. Tidal

    feeding during rain?

    Not to hijack this thread but there's been something about rain that's been puzzling me. According to the wikipedia entry for rain, the PH of rainwater is anywhere from 5.6-2.0 Shouldn't this be killing mj plants? I know growers take care to PH their feeding water so I can't figure this out.