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  1. mikek420

    Dmt heaven

  2. mikek420

    Dmt heaven

    Anyone tried nmt?
  3. mikek420

    Dmt heaven

    Found some bundleflower and mimosas. Going to do an extract on well a lot. Gonna start tomorrow, really really excited. Stay tuned!! I have a bulk extraction tek I'm following and will posts steps and pics.
  4. mikek420

    Researching chemicals

    Never asked for your anything drowning baby. Maybe a new window for my car puto. Other than that I'd really like it if you didn't respond to my posts
  5. mikek420

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    I'm going to my first family event in June brother jeatless
  6. mikek420

    Whats up to my old friends and hi to new ones

    It's my house as in my name my bills etc
  7. mikek420

    Researching chemicals
  8. mikek420

    Researching chemicals
  9. mikek420

    Researching chemicals

    I've also tried 5meo mipt and 5meo dipt as well as. They seemed a bit more colorful than their 4ho cousins (4ho mipt and 4ho dipt) they were both relaxing feeling as well. The tryptamine rush was still there but not as much. It still had a feeler similar to mushrooms, but more toned down. I...
  10. mikek420

    Researching chemicals

    I have a whole lot more written, my battery died. I'm working on it, really really hoping to get published and in a bookstore near you
  11. mikek420

    Researching chemicals

    Leave me feedback and critiques, mistakes in spelling stuff like that! Hopefully you enjoyed reading it, I'm wanting to get it published at some point
  12. mikek420

    Researching chemicals

    I'm writing a somewhat autobiographical account of experiences, and psychedelics. Trying to put into words the unexplainable, make note of lessons learned, things that maybe a new tripper or seasoned veteran will find interesting. Here is the beginning of the section able research chemicals A...
  13. mikek420

    LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

    Im writing a book about psychedelic experiences. I remember some of your posts I'm going to encorporate or quote, I'll let you know when I make it around to that part. I think mescaline may be my absolute most favorite thing of all time! Sometimes I get psychedelic experiences and visuals on...
  14. mikek420

    Whats up to my old friends and hi to new ones

    Dude I've been trying so hard to get rid of her, I've called the cops on her even. They couldn't do anything about it. I think I give better than I get from her it's a long story full of backstabbing and other people making her believe stuff that's impossible. Wish I could still be going out...
  15. mikek420

    Whats up to my old friends and hi to new ones

    Man it's worse than that my dude. I don't wanna air dirty laundry online but imagine a worse case scenario and make it even worse... I went for a trip to Texas to pick up some things, at a time when we had actually split up, and then she's like you spent our rent money and now we have no food no...
  16. mikek420

    LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

    Heatless heatless heatless! What's up brother
  17. mikek420

    Whats up to my old friends and hi to new ones

    I remember you too buddy. I'm in kinda a bad spot right now, but I'm working on it. Hopefully the end of this year, I'll be good all around. This chick I'm with... If I knew then what I did now... I can't make money fast enough to hide it from her really fucks me up. I'm thinking of moving...
  18. mikek420

    Whats up to my old friends and hi to new ones

    Been gone for a while, who remembers me? I'm putting together a book about psychedelics and shit. Should be interesting. Hopefully someone remembers who I am!
  19. mikek420


    How much of each did you use? I use around 100-150 g of caapi, and 50 g chacruna, with some chaliponga mixed in. As for tips, might be late but I use a little fruit juice. The sugars sweeten it slightly, but the acids bring out the magic
  20. mikek420

    9.6 mg lsd and after

    Somehow my visuals changed again and everything folded in on itself, im not sure how to explain it Ive seen it before but this was more. It reminded me of a dmt or ayahuasca peak, but extended for at least half an hour, if not longer. Just so much more it was like everything was going flat but...