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  1. F

    Anyone ever try the legal herbal MJ shit?

    My friend let me smoke some of his (from a while back ... although it wasn't close to as good as the real thing, I still got a pretty good buzz. :):) (Although one of my friends said he didnt feel shit... different strokes for different folks I guess) Anyone smoke this stuff? I...
  2. F

    Fake Weed

    id get salvia (personally)... but the legal bud suff is not bad.. id say give it a whirl.. it gets some of my friends pretty fucked up
  3. F

    Is Legit?

    oh it def buzzes me... (better after a few drinks tho)
  4. F

    Finish the sentence above you!

    castle in the sky. Once you have it...
  5. F

    Wana get laid by hot chicks

    be careful when ur over in asia tho.. my high school friend was in an indonesian slammer for like 6 months (drugs).... he's lucky his dads a big lawyer over hear... other wise, i think he'd be jailed for life
  6. F

    Legal Bud

    ya dumb question lol but, about legalbuds... its good , but id ratehr just go to the smokeshop and get some salvia (if ur looking to do things teh legal way)
  7. F

    legal marjuana has some good stuff... sometimes a bit pricely, but if ur too lazy to leave ur house its the way to go
  8. F

    Is Legit?

    i've used them for a while... good stuff, but really not any better than shit u can get a a local smoke shop.. so if u have a smokeshop near u, forget it... but if you dont, i'd give it a thumbs up