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  1. Nobikaigan

    Small closet grow

    Damn, I must agree with everyone... It seems your plants are doing great and that is a sweet setup! Good job!
  2. Nobikaigan

    Please help!!!!!

    Oh no! Something is certainly eating your baby! I would recommend to use lady bugs... release them at night right after you water the plant. They will not fly away at night, and judging by the look of things, they will be fat and happy living on your plant! Maybe others could recommend some...
  3. Nobikaigan

    Grow in an old Computer desk cabinet thing.

    Great grow and nice setup! I think in your situation I would get 3-4 strains I like, and run clones! Keeping 3-4 good strains around so the high never gets old... and with as fast as your system takes off, clones would shorten your overall time considerably and you will NEVER have a male...