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  1. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    sadly they both died but thanks for all the help and suggestings
  2. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    what kind of nuts and with lights what kind
  3. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    pics of the top view and sides of both plants
  4. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    how do i upload photos
  5. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    yeah ive come across a few things i did wrong. 1)used shitty weed seeds. 2)overwatered. 3)put it on a black roof were it only get 7-8 hours of sun and was at temps over about 100.
  6. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    thanks guys looks like i have some reading to do and will have to start again next summer
  7. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    well sorry everyone has to start some where just trying to learn from my mistakes
  8. tokeythebandit

    whats wrong with my plant

    im growing my plant outsibe, it gets 7-8 hours of direct sunlight a day and water it about once evey day. recently it has slowed in growing and the bottom leaves are dying. its been growing for 6 weeks and is only 6 inches can someone plz help?!?!?!?
  9. tokeythebandit

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    i have the same problem and my plant is 6 weeks into vegging and only 6 inches tall but i have it out side not in