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  1. invincipal

    Iolite Portable Vaporizer...anyone tried?

    has anyone tryed the iolite portable vaporizer? would like to know how good it works...or how bad
  2. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    couldn't tell i did switch it with some older stuff i bought back in the day from radio's very much thicker than the shit they gave me in the kit....but like i said, i bought it 5 years ago and nothing is on the wire so....
  3. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    yeah, other dude gave pictures like it.....main red to BOTH reds and main black to Both blacks is highest level output....while....main red to ONE red and main black to ONE black, as the other two just get connected by a 3 inch piece of speaker wire, jumping it is the lower way of...
  4. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    Boss Diablo Series DD3600
  5. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    i'll try setting the sub like that and see if it still does it.
  6. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    but it won't hurt the sub if i change the wiring on the sub? so it's not parellel and so there's a jump in there? it won't blow or anything?
  7. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    the last one that says 100A...witht the gold and black in the middle
  8. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    amp has three 30 amp fuses = 90
  9. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    circut under hood says 150 Amp
  10. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    there are four terminals on your sub because it is a dual voice coil sub, do you know if it is dual 4ohm or dual 2ohm? 2 ohm and what amp are you running? i believe you said Boss Audio? yes what's cap saying on everything? won't be able to tell you until a hour from now, car's not here...
  11. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    alright sounds good it possible to do harm to my sub if i change the wiring on the sub? since the amp is so powerful......4 outputs on the sub....2 neg. and 2 pos., if i put a jumper between a + and a -, which would lower the RMS to 700 Watts instead of 1000 Watts Rms which the amp is...
  12. invincipal

    best/affordable chemical for great buding

    what is the best not so expensive plant chemical for great buding?
  13. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    what's 4 gauge then?
  14. invincipal

    which Vaporizer to buy for $150 or less?

    no body has any ideas? or even knows anyone who has one?
  15. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    What is the amp rating of the fuse you have under the hood? it's 5000 watts, suppose to be anyway, it came with a 5000 watt wiring kit.
  16. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    what do you have your gains set at? 50% make sure your amp is on that the low pass frequency? because how is that turned on, or is that on all the time, i do have a knob for that which would be the freq. which is at about 100hz you say you are using the stock head unit? yes . for...
  17. invincipal

    which Vaporizer to buy for $150 or less?

    i am planing on buying a vaporizer tomorrow...i've been looking around the last few days...which should i buy? i've been looking at the Hot Box....i found that one new for $130 total....i would like a Indirect or Convectional Method Vaporizer....which is that the herb doesn't touch the heating...
  18. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    problem, the amp works great, BUT when you turn it up TOO loud it will shut off, go into protection( i believe), but the i'd shut the car off right away, start it back up and it'd turn right back on if my music is turned down alittle bit that is..... than what is it?....i do have the ground wire...
  19. invincipal

    amp not coming out of protection

    smalle PROBLEM...look at next message