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  1. P

    Obama is not the first black president??

    From the WIKI Hanson was of African descent Dick Gregory, comedian and African-American activist, publishes an on-line column called Global Watch. In one of his columns he repeated most of the myths and added a new one, that John Hanson was the descendant of an African American slave.[8]...
  2. P

    obama on marijuana

    Stop staring at Vi's BOOBIES... He is ahhhhhhhhhh...................
  3. P

    Barack's Windfall Reversal

    great to know that you understand that this all stems from a 1999 Bill the DEMOCRAT William (can't fuck Monica enough) Clinton signed into law allowing credit lending institutions to not be accountable for lending to low return loans. That means he allowed for banks to lend to people who...
  4. P

    wait, what was wrong with ron paul again?

    It is pretty simple. Most of the Republican Party relies on Conservative Christians, while the Democrats rely on the liberal youth and academia. Ron Paul, well he believes in what the government was when it still worked. Prior to the advent of easy access credit, our country let the people be...
  5. P

    The Drug War is a War on the People

    Would be great, but the vid never works for me
  6. P

    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    just remember henry ashlinger started because of the morphine addicts that would cry in pain because they needed more. This was in the slums when he first immigrated here. in his final days he just sat in a morphine high. hippocrit?
  7. P


    So I heard a joke today, and must say that although I don't agree with Obama's wealth redistribution plan, I do hope he is able to help the marijuana decriminalization. Well here it goes, a joke from Texas. "What is the difference between John F. Kennedy and Barrack Obama?" "Nothing...yet."
  8. P

    Is the legalization of Marijuana really worth it?

    You need to remember thought that you can actually make your own wine, beer, liquour, and such. The way the laws work, least here in Texas, is that you cannot sell. If you wanted to give it to your friends that is okay, but you cannot give them it in return for something. Its a lot like you are...