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  1. N

    still having trouble please help

    Dude that was a wealth of information that is exactly what I needed to confirm. A digital timer and a stronger pump is on my to buy list. I did already switch to 5 a day vs 6 a day and other than wasted time/electricity in regards with my pump and timer they are practically flooded for max 15...
  2. N

    still having trouble please help

    Thanks for all the advice everyone!!! Hopefully I will see a difference in a week or so.
  3. N

    still having trouble please help

    It is an ebb n flow system, the ones in pots are just sittin on top, they are not having any problems. The water cycles for 1 hr 6 times a day. It usually takes 15 min to fill so plants are fully submerged for 45 min. So, should I cut the timer in half AND reduce the # of cycles? To dilute...
  4. N

    still having trouble please help

    Alright problems started a few weeks ago. I was running the typical 3 part formula and had what I thought to be either a P or mag def. I changed the res and ran lucas formula for 2 weeks, 5ml Micro 10ml of bloom. ppms was around 7-800 and ph stayed around 6. I tried continuously to keep it...
  5. N

    burn or deficiency? Ive ready the stickys, looking for confirmation

    Thanks. I believe I will do that. I've heard burn, deficiency, and lockout. Solving the ph issue could very well do the trick. One thing of note, over the last 3 days my ph has constantly been on the rise to like 6.5 and I have adding ph down daily. Now, I'm changing my res today. As this...
  6. N

    3 part nutes or Lucas formula. Pros, cons, opinions?

    Good info and thanks. Is it ok to switch to the Lucas formula mid gro? As in my next resivoir change? I'm having nutrient issues and so many people say many different things so I need to get it corrected. Do either of you add calmag? Or is just the micro and bloom fine? Thanks for the advice!
  7. N

    burn or deficiency? Ive ready the stickys, looking for confirmation

    Yeah they are 25 days in veg. I have read thru this before and have kept my ppm accordingly.
  8. N

    burn or deficiency? Ive ready the stickys, looking for confirmation

    This is where I keep going back and forth. How can I be having nutrient burn at such a low ppm? The last 10 days or more they have been under 400?
  9. N

    burn or deficiency? Ive ready the stickys, looking for confirmation

    Ok, yeah I was reading another post and they were saying theirs was a lockout and their leaves looked like mine. If it is a lockout, how did this happen and how do I prevent it in the future?
  10. N

    burn or deficiency? Ive ready the stickys, looking for confirmation

    So I first noticed the issues on 08/05. Instead of burning I now think its a calmag/P deficiency. Reservoir was started on 07/25 and...
  11. N

    3 part nutes or Lucas formula. Pros, cons, opinions?

    Title says it all. Before I got into hydro, I thought the whole 20-10-10 thing for veg and 15-30-15 thing (or similar etc) was how its done. However I have learned this is not the case. When I first started my hydro op I was using grow and micro only, with the impression that I will switch to...
  12. N

    Hydroponics Emergency--Please Help!!

    I transplanted several clones from soil to hydro and they all did great. How big was your root mass? Did you damage the roots when washing off the soil? Did you use room temp water when washing the roots? i used room temp and tried to save as much roots as i could. for a tds...
  13. N

    Hydro setup please comment

    The resivoir temp checked in at 75. Is this too high? The cloning method I ment with experimenting with something new as in new to me was the method listed in the sticky post, not new to the world. So far I thank everyone on here for their comments and advice!
  14. N

    Hydro setup please comment

    Y do I need a chiller? My closet stays at 80-85F. Also I meant reservoir heater. I also discovered its not even kicking on and checked my water temp and it is perfect in the hot closet. Ill post pics of the roots of the plants from seed, they are perfect. The roots you saw in the pics...
  15. N

    DWC and PH 5.2, 5.5, 5.8 ??

    Right. I was running at 5.2 for 2 weeks. So then if I'm in flowering versus early veg would this be where I see problems?
  16. N

    DWC and PH 5.2, 5.5, 5.8 ??

    ^no visible change as in the plants continued to thrive as expected.
  17. N

    DWC and PH 5.2, 5.5, 5.8 ??

    Yeah can we get some more insight on this? I asked the same question in another post and got the same response. I was growing for 2 weeks at 5.2-5.4 and my plants were doing great. I switched to 5.6-5.8 a few days ago to see what's up but saw no visible change in my plants. Does the ph...
  18. N

    Hydro setup please comment

    So this is a typical tub with an inner tray. I have a pump that is on every other hour for an hour at a time (usually takes about 20 min to fill up). The inner tray has holes in it so water drains that way, and the hydrotub has some hydroton to help it fill up quicker, due to the small water...
  19. N

    Hydro setup please comment

    Yeah I've just read so much on ph levels and there are people on both sides of the fence. I keep a daily journal and have kept my ph at around 5.8 for 3 days now. And I will remove the co2. I agree that I am trying to do to much at once, and will dial in everything else and save for a CAP...