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    Deficiency diagnosis help!

    magnesium.. give a little cal-mag to help with it
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    Dumb DWC newbie question about supporting plants

    Week 5 of 8 Blueberry
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    Dumb DWC newbie question about supporting plants

    I have a secondary valve off to the side by pump so can drain out system simply by turning the valve flow off and water gets pumped out line to drain outside
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    holy grail kush rdwc

    Kick ass!:clap:
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    how many liters of nutes to buy ?

    calculate how many total gallons of water to be used initially and throughout the cycle, add 50 gallons to that to compensate for water uptake then calculate your nutrient usage for cycle and round that off. for example.. It takes 95 gallons to fill my system in one of the rooms,with a drain and...
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    Dumb DWC newbie question about supporting plants

    I do it like this myself with another net after this one above for double support. these girls are almost 3 1/2-4ft
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    holy grail kush rdwc

    yeah,ive noticed she does break will prolly want to set up a support for hgk as her flowers get very heavy towards the peak to late bloom more than my other strains and her branches snap easy.. just a heads up on that so again,be sure to support her well plus she is a meaty girl so...
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    holy grail kush rdwc

    anytime BD
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    holy grail kush rdwc

    holy can take good ppms,weeks 1 and 2 I keep around 650-700-weeks 4-6 about 800-1100 and then drop off after that to harvest with a clean flush at week 8
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    holy grail kush rdwc

    mmm... Buku def does have that skittles fruity smell for sure :D
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    What is a PPM meter for?

    Makes life a helluva lot easier for sure :D I run nutradip trimeters in almost every res or controller I use to know where everything is at any given moment.. no guesswork.. I highly recommend them
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    holy grail kush rdwc

    no disrespect meant, but I've been doing holy grail kush for a few years now and she has never smelled like skittles.. deep earthy,heavy woody smells,deep earthy taste and a stone that knocks one back aways..positive that she was hgk? interested to know here :D thanks, ps,, here's a pic of holy...
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    RDWC design/build

    failure was due to cracks unforeseen in totes,nothing due to plants :D hmm..that setup sounds interesting for sure,def going to have to look into that ,cheers!
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    RDWC design/build

    Here is an update on the 27 gal totes.. just 6 plants in these 8 as 2 failed but the other 6 girls are loving it so far
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    Bringing plants inside at night

    disturbing the root mass is only downside I can think of..I don't mess with them outside by moving them around once in flower.
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    So has anyone heard of pyroclay? just added some the other day to the system along with af a and b,cal mag,aq and of course Heisenburg's tea. Just gotta say that the pyroclay has made even more of a difference.. I hesistated in putting the clay into the system as I asked H about it first and got...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    As someone new to this tea.. what are opinions on using white vinegar with the tea in the system to lower ph?
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    That's what I thought as well.. thank you for your input
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    How does chlorine affect the tea?
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    holy grail kush

    Definitely a couch stone..almost a comatose like effect..taste is awesome..i cut a bud off the plant and hung it to somewhat flush,nothing..and tasted amazing for being only 3-4 days dry right off the branch and cured right..well,It speaks for itself :)