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  1. B


    Everyone posting responces to this child is retarded. First get a lawyer, a good lawyer. This may cost you 5k or more. Second, they fucked up, 1.) What was their reason for searching the car. Your friend being high? he wasnt the driver was he? Even if they had a reason to search your friend...
  2. B

    Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide

    Russian peace keepers and russian army are different people. The peace keepers were the people in the blue hats that called for reinforcements while te georgians were burning russians homes and killing people. Now i wont go so far as to ask whether you are a georgian johny, having never met...
  3. B

    Weed and Airport security

    If you are walking around downtown of some place looking for darkies and asking for drugs yes. If on the other hand you make some friends, go outside, act social, i respectfully disagree. Furthermore, this type of a debate can only encourage arrests. In an airport, ur subject to federal law...
  4. B

    Weed and Airport security

    What the fuck is wrong with all you people. Why would you EVER TAKE WEED THROUGH AN AIRPORT. How about you stick to growing and leave smuggling to coke dealers where the profit margins actually make sense. I am going to leave the obvious problems with smuggling drugs through airport aside...