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  1. Z

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    yo dude sorry it's been a while had a few problems with my service provider. hows the grow going man?
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    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    hey dude sorry it took a while to reply, cheers for posting the pics. The AMS is looking great! I haven't found much literature on church plants and i've only got the one plant it's my first time grow, so whether it is a common trait i dunno, but i find that the bottom leaves tend to flop down...
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    No probs vcsdave, just keep up the good work and i'll keep singing your praises to all who'll listen lol! "Lucky the plant was still infantile, who knows what it may have done to the cats!" my sentiments excatly! i have three and one in perticular has been known to snatch a lil bud while i'm...
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    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    Yo! Teleglass just wanted to see how you were getting on, im specifically intrested in your church grow, how is it doin?
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    hi dave, i stumbled along your post whilst looking for people who actually grown and harvested the church plant (still scouring lol!). Just wanted to say ta for the top notch service from ur company, i bought two church seeds, (both germinated but ive only one plant left cus my cats got hold...
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    Bunk 'The Church' seeds?!?!

    Sounds like major bummer, only had the one seed cus it was my first attempt at growing, got my feminized church seed from pick n mix seed bank, next day delivery, no probs with my seed, now it is a lovely plant with a lush smell and loads white bud hairs popping up all over the place.
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    i'm dry...

    I'm dry too n boi does it's that fukin time o'year that the piggies get fidgity n decide they're gunna be in charge of the slaughtering for a change. 20 raids (on the big boys) in 30 mile radius in 2 months :( gits.. makes the twatty dealers hike up prices cus theyre the only dudes...
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    Sup fellow cannabis consumers

    Welcome RaveHead! I've Just joined, i've been smoking for a good while too, tho im still young so plenty more toking years too come eh!? :) "Just another pot smoker livin life FREELY and not listening to the man telling me how to spend my leisure time with baccy and drinks.." I'll spark...